Dr. Anne Simpson's Author And Literature Links: Robert Ranke Graves Premio®PC.com Making built-to-order a reality! Graves, Robert von Ranke (1895-1985), English poet, novelist, and classical scholar, born in London, and educated at the http://www.csupomona.edu/~absimpson/links/authors/g/gravesr.html
Extractions: Multimedia Hear Robert Graves discussing poetry and writing Links to Graves Links to Works Major Works Biography Graves, Robert von Ranke (1895-1985), English poet, novelist, and classical scholar, born in London, and educated at the University of Oxford. Graves, who preferred to be known as a poet, wrote vigorous, witty, and, at times, intellectual verse. His first volume of poetry, Fairies and Fusiliers (1917), recounts his World War I experiences. Early in his career, Graves was considered a Georgian poet (one of a group of early 20th-century poets who wrote conventional lyric poetry and maintained a late-romantic style). As his career developed, he avoided identification with any school or poet and wrote with an intense, clear, and ordered voice. Several collected editions of his poems have appeared including Collected Poems (1959, 1975). In 1968, in collaboration with the Sufi (see
Robert Ranke Graves Robert Ranke Graves (18951985) Moderní anglický básník, romanopisec a kritik. Autor hrav sarkastické, sue humorné poezie, sousteující se na základní problémy mezilidských vztah. http://abc.kvalitne.cz/l/gra.htm
Extractions: Robert Ranke Graves (1895-1985) Moderní anglický básník, romanopisec a kritik. Autor hravì sarkastické, su¹e humorné poezie, soustøeïující se na základní problémy mezilidských vztahù. Bìhem I. svìtové války slou¾il na francouzské frontì - v roce 1916 byl tì¾ce zranìn a dokonce se ocitl na seznamu padlých. Vystudoval literaturu na univerzitì v Oxfordu (1926), vyuèoval na univerzitách v Káhiøe a v Cambridgi. V letech 1961-6 byl profesorem poezie na Oxfordu. Jeho literární tvorba zahrnuje i ¾ivotopisy a mytologické studie. Bílá bohynì (The White Goddess), 1948 Claudius bùh a jeho ¾ena Messalina (Claudius The God And His Wife Messalina), 1934 Hercules - My Shipmate, 1945 Homérova dcera (Homer's Daughter), 1955 Hrabì Belisarius (Count Belisarius), 1938 Já, Claudius (I, Claudius/Ich, Claudius, Kaiser und Gott), 1934 Král Je¾í¹ (King Jesus), 1946 Lawrence And The Arabs, 1927 Nausikaa und ihre Freier, 1955 Nejvy¹¹í privilegium (The Crowning Privilege), 1955 Obyèejný asfodel (The Common Asphodel), 1949 Ostrov nerozumu (The Isles Of Unwisdom), 1949
PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Graves, Robert Ranke, Etexts by Author Graves, Robert Ranke, 18951985 G Index MainIndex Country Sentiment LANGUAGE English SUBJECT World War http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/graves_robert_ranke_.html
Robert Graves Robert Graves (18951985). Poems Fiction Criticism Works for children Biographyby Robert von Ranke Graves Miscellaneous works Related works http://www.bl.uk/collections/britirish/modbrigraves.html
Extractions: The British Library has an extensive collection of published works by the writer Robert Graves including many first editions of his famous works. The finding list below, which primarily lists first UK editions of Graves' works in chronological order, is derived from the British Library Public Catalogue Poems Fiction Criticism ... Bibliographies Other sources of information include the following:
WIEM: Graves Robert Ranke (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl Gwersja dla drukarki. Literatura, Wielka Brytania, Irlandia Graves RobertRanke (18951985), widok strony znajdz podobne pokaz powiazane. http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/0092aa.html
Extractions: poka¿ powi±zane Graves Robert Ranke (1895-1985), angielski pisarz pochodzenia irlandzkiego. Studia filologiczne i historyczne w Oksfordzie. Wyk³adowca literatury angielskiej na uniwersytecie w Kairze. Od 1932 mieszka³ g³ównie na Majorce. 1961-1966 profesor uniwersytetu w Oksfordzie. Wiele tomików poetyckich. Zbiór Collected Poems (1938, 1946, 1959, w jêzyku polskim Poezje wybrane 1977). S³awê zyska³ t³umaczonymi na wiele jêzyków powie¶ciami historycznymi, jak: Ja, Klaudiusz (1934, wydanie polskie 1938), Klaudiusz i Messalina (1934, wydanie polskie 1939), Br±zowa Antiqua (1936, wydanie polskie 1958), Belizariusz (1938, wydanie polskie 1960), Wyspy szaleñstwa (1949, wydanie polskie 1963), Córka Homera (1955, wydanie polskie 1958). Cechuje je zarówno doskona³a znajomo¶æ materia³u, jak swoboda w jego interpretacji. Tak¿e eseje o tematyce literackiej oraz poczytne Mity greckie (1955, wydanie polskie 1967).
AIM25: Thesaurus-assisted Search source 18. Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's CollegeLondon Graves, Robert von Ranke (18951985). Seventy one http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/thesaurus/unesco_thes_search?keyword=Authors
Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. Graves, Robert Ranke, 18951985. Titles. CountrySentiment. To the main listings page. Main Project Gutenberg Web page (online). http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/graves__robert_ranke__189.html
Project Gutenberg Bibliographic Record Project Gutenberg Bibliographic Record. Title Country Sentiment. Author Graves,Robert Ranke, 18951985. Notes. Language English. Release Date Aug 1998. File(s) http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/titles/country_sentiment.html
Graves, Robert Ranke Graves, Robert Ranke. 18951985, English poet, novelist, and critic;son of Alfred Percival Graves. He established his reputation http://www.slider.com/enc/22000/Graves_Robert_Ranke.htm
Extractions: Graves, Robert Ranke 1895-1985, English poet, novelist, and critic; son of Alfred Percival Graves. He established his reputation with Good-bye to All That (1929), an outspoken book on his war experiences. A versatile and highly prolific writer, Graves considered himself primarily a poet; his poems were characterized by gracefulness and lucidity. However, Graves was best known for his unorthodox novels of Roman history, I, Claudius (1934) and Claudius the God (1934), as well as fictionalized reappraisals of history and legend such as King Jesus (1946) and Homer's Daughter (1955). Graves was also known for studies of the mythological and psychological sources of poetry, such as The White Goddess Greek Myths (2 vol., 1955), and Hebrew Myths (1963). Other works of criticism include The Common Asphodel Poetic Craft and Principle On Poetry: Collected Talks and Essays (1969), and translations of The Golden Ass of Apuleius and the Iliad.
Robert Ranke Graves - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Robert Ranke Graves (noun) . 1. English writer known for his interest in mythologyand in the classics (1895-1985) Synonyms Graves, Robert Graves. http://define.ansme.com/words/r/robert_ranke_graves.html
Graves - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Graves (noun) . 1. English writer known for his interest in mythology andin the classics (1895-1985) Synonyms Robert Graves, Robert Ranke Graves. http://define.ansme.com/words/g/graves.html
Robert Graves - A Biography Of Robert Graves the literary history of Robert's ancestors, for his great uncle Leopold von Ranke- was a Robert Graves (1895-1985) Biography and long list of selected works http://europeanhistory.about.com/library/readyref/blpersonrobertgraves.htm
Extractions: British poet, writer, classical academic and critic whose war poems laid the foundation for an acclaimed, albeit troubled, career. Robert Graves was born into a dynasty of true European heritage, for within his family tree were English, German, Scottish, Danish and Irish nationals. Despite this, the Graves were a typical British Victorian family of the upper-middle classes: strict and somewhat cold, but also loyal and well-educated. Biographies often stress the literary history of Robert's ancestors, for his great uncle - Leopold von Ranke - was a highly accomplished historian, while an eighteen century relative - Richard Graves - wrote
Counter-Attack: Biography Of Robert Graves By Michele Fry (18951985). Robert Graves. Robert von Ranke Graves was born in Wimbledonon July 24, 1895, the middle child of his father's second family of five. http://www.sassoonery.demon.co.uk/graves.htm
Extractions: Navigation Page Robert Graves Robert Graves Robert von Ranke Graves was born in Wimbledon on July 24, 1895, the middle child of his father's second family of five. Graves's father already had five children from his marriage to his first wife (who had died of consumption (TB) in 1886). Graves began to write poetry while still at Charterhouse School. He was encouraged in this by one of his master's at Charterhouse, the mountaineer, George Mallory, and also by Edward Marsh (who also encouraged Siegfried Sassoon ). When war broke out, Graves joined the Royal Welch Fusiliers. He got to know Siegfried Sassoon while serving out in France. The two became firm friends and spent hours discussing poetry and what they would do after the War. Graves had written some realistic poetry about the War, which he showed to Sassoon early in their friendship. At that point Sassoon was still writing chivalric war poetry and he disapproved of the realism of Graves's war poetry, rather ironically in light of the fact that Graves was later to bemoan the gloominess of Sassoon's and Owen's poetry. Whilst serving in France Graves was badly wounded and mistakenly reported dead. Sassoon was very upset and wrote a poem about the loss of his friend
Britannia | Britain Translate this page Graves, Robert, eigentlich Robert von Ranke Graves, (1895-1985). EnglischerSchriftsteller und Publizist, der besonders durch seine http://www.robert-morten.de/baseportal/Redaktionssytem/britannia_mini_detail&Id=
Extractions: Graves, Robert, eigentlich Robert von Ranke Graves Englischer Schriftsteller und Publizist, der besonders durch seine historischen Romane und Publikationen zu Geschichte und Mythologie der Antike bekannt wurde. Nach einem Studium der Philosophie und Geschichte in Oxford wandte er sich zunächst der Lyrik zu und schuf lebendige, geistreich-intellektuelle und bisweilen experimentelle Gedichte In seinem ersten Gedichtband "Fairies and Fusiliers" (1917) verarbeitete er seine Erlebnisse als Offizier im 1. Weltkrieg . Seine Gedichte wurden mehrfach aufgelegt, u. a. als "Collected Poems" (1959, 1975). Ein autobiographisches Werk ist das satirische Kriegsbuch "Good-Bye to All That" (1929, in überarbeiteter Neuauflage 1957; "Strich drunter" ). Große Publizität erreichte er jedoch mit seinen historischen Romanen , wie "I, Claudius" und "Claudius the God" (beide 1934 erschienen und in deutscher Ausgabe gemeinsam unter dem Titel "Ich, Claudius, Kaiser und Gott" veröffentlicht), "King Jesus" "König Jesus" ) und "Homer's Daughter" "Nausikaa und ihre Freier" ). Für seinen
Summary Guide: GRAVES 3.1 IDENTITY STATEMENT 3.1.1 Reference code GB99 KCLMA Graves 3.1.2 Title Graves,Robert von Ranke (18951985) 3.1.3 Dates of creation of material 1939-1961 http://www.kcl.ac.uk/lhcma/summary/gr30-001.htm
Extractions: Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives Note : The item numbers represent a subset from ISAD(G) rules (General International Standard Archival Description) promulgated by the International Council on Archives to standardise archival description world-wide. Only item numbers relevant to our specific archive are included here. 3.1 IDENTITY STATEMENT 3.1.1 Reference code : GB99 KCLMA Graves 3.1.2 Title: GRAVES , Robert von Ranke (1895-1985) 3.1.3 Dates of creation of material 3.1.4 Level of description : collection level 3.1.5 Extent : 1 file 3.2 CONTEXT 3.2.2 Biographical history Publications: Refer to A bibliography of the writings of Robert Graves by Fred Hall Higginson, Second Edition revised by William Proctor Williams (St Paul's Bibliographies, Winchester, 1987). 3.2.5 Provenance/source of acquisition : Presented to the Centre by the family in 1995. 3.3 CONTENT AND STRUCTURE 3.3.1 Scope and content : Seventy one manuscript and typescript letters from Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart to Robert Graves, 1939-1961, with typescript articles, extracts and notes by Liddell Hart including 'A reflection on the sustenance of morale', 1942; 'Notes on the Dieppe "reconnaissance in force", from a Canadian soldier', 1942; 'Age-old truths of war', 1942; 'Reprisals on prisoners', 1942; 'Historical note on the defence plan that foiled Rommel's invasion of Egypt in 1942 - by the officer who designed it (E E Dorman Smith)' (Maj Gen Eric Edward Dorman Smith), 1943; 'Three civilisations', 1944; 'Inconsistencies of historical judgment', 1961; 'Notes on the BBC's centenary programme on Haig' (FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig), 1961.
LHCMA - List Of Collection Names Cecil (18771950) detailed catalogue Grant, Lt Gen Sir Robert (1837-1904) see Grant,Gen Sir Charles John Cecil Graves, Robert von Ranke (1895-1985) Gray, Gp http://www.kcl.ac.uk/lhcma/info/
Dr. Anne Simpson's Author Links - G 1852). Oliver Goldsmith (1730?1774), George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824),Robert Ranke Graves (1895-1985). Eliot Gregory (1854-1915), http://www.csupomona.edu/~absimpson/links/authorlinks/simplinkaug.html
Extractions: Cambridge University Library Dublin University, Trinity College Library Digby family of Geashill, Co Offaly, and Coleshill, Warwickshire: family and Irish estate papers (TCD MS 10949) Samuel Beckett (1906-89), author and dramatist: corresp with Barbara Bray, BBC radio producer (TCD MS 10948) Irene K Falkiner, daughter of Caesar Litton Falkiner, historian: travel diaries and sketches 1907-08 (TCD MS 11010-12) Richard Perceval Graves: papers incl papers of John TR Graves rel to biography of Robert Ranke Graves, poet (TCD MS 11001) Robert Ranke Graves (1895-1985), poet: letters to John TR Graves (11000) William James Jenvy: ships log HMS Melampus 1798-1802 (TCD MS 10950) Samuel Kyle (1717-1848), bishop of Cork: memoir (TCD MS 10978) James Macdowell, lieutenant: ships log HMS Albion c 1823 (TCD MS 10989) Stephen MacKenna (1872-1934), Greek scholar and journalist: corresp and papers (TCD MS 10947) LFW Painter, master's assistant: ships logs