Speak Out - Biography: The Emma Goldman Papers: A Traveling Exhibit The Emma Goldman Papers A Traveling Exhibit Revisiting the Life of the CelebratedRadical Emma Goldman (18691940) stands as a major figure in the history of http://www.speakersandartists.org/People/TheEmmaGoldmanPapersATravelingExhibit.h
Emma Goldman Emma Goldman (18691940). Red Emma, the greatest orator of all American history,was born on the 27th of June, 1869, in the Russian province of Kovno. http://www.powys-lannion.net/Powys/America/Goldman.htm
Extractions: Red Emma , the greatest orator of all American history, was born on the 27th of June, 1869, in the Russian province of Kovno. When she was 17, she emigrated to America and arrived in January 1886, the year the Statue of Liberty was inaugurated. By 1887, horrified by the Chicago Haymarket massacre and trial , she joined the Anarchist movement and was active in the denunciation of the appaling conditions of labour prevalent at that time. Frontispiece from Anarchism and Other Essays Although John Cowper had the greatest admiration for Emma, her name, strangely enough, does not appear in Autobiography , and we have but few dates concerning their friendship. However, a volume of their correspondence edited by Prof. Goodway is to be published by Cecil Woolf, London. In this volume, Prof. Goodway states: 'Contact had definitely been attained by 19 April 1916 when, the evening before her trial for lecturing on birth control, a dinner was given for Goldman at the Brevoort Hotel, New York, attended by such luminaries of the American art world as Robert Henri, George Bellows and John Sloan, and at which John Cowper spoke.' Emma Goldman remembers: When at the close I was given the floor to reply to the various points raised, I called the attention of the guests to the fact that the presence of Mr. Powys at a banquet given to an anarchist was by no means his first libertarian gesture. He had given striking proof of his intellectual integrity some years previously in Chicago when he had refused to speak at the Hebrew Institute because that institution had denied its premises to Alexander Berkman. (Emma Goldman
Goldman, Emma Goldman (18691940), polsk-nordamerikansk anarkistisk agitator og skribent. EmmaGoldman blev født i Kovno i det tidligere Polen af jødiske forældre. http://www.leksikon.org/art.php?n=997
PSN: Jun96 : News: Emma Goldman Web Site (x H-SHGAPE) (fwd) times of Emma Goldman at http//sunsite.berkeley.edu/Goldman/ Emma Goldman(18691940) stands as a major figure in the history of American radicalism http://csf.colorado.edu/mail/psn/jun96/0030.html
Emma Goldman Freedom Award Emma Goldman (18691940) was an anarchist, freethinker, anti-war activist,early advocate for reproductive rights and voice for sexual freedom. http://www.drsusanblock.com/emmagoldmanaward.htm
Extractions: The Emma Goldman Freedom Award was inspired by one of the most courageous and fascinating freedom fighters in historydecades, possibly centuriesahead of her time. This award is to recognize an extraordinary person who carries the torch that was, in part, ignited by Emma Goldman. Emma Goldman (1869-1940) was an anarchist, freethinker, anti-war activist, early advocate for reproductive rights and voice for sexual freedom. At a time when polite women in big poofy dresses were asking for the right to vote and being branded demonic witches from hell by religious zealots, Emma publicly called for legal and safe abortion, as well as full economic and sexual emancipation for all women.
Goldman_e_index Emma Goldman. worker, writer and lecturer. (18691940). Source AnarchyArchives. Main Web Site Emma Goldman Papers and Bibliographic Essay. http://melior.univ-montp3.fr/ra_forum/en/people/goldman_emma/
Extractions: Summary See also: Emma Goldman in Music Emma Goldman in Plays Source: Anarchy Archives Main Web Site An almost exhaustive archive and bibliography of all works by Emma Goldman. Bibliography Related books Suzanne Poirier, Chicago's War on Syphilis, 1937-1940: The Times, The Trib, and the Clap Doctor, with an Epilogue on Issues and Attitudes in the Time of AIDS , by Suzanne Poirier. 1995. University of Illinois Press, 1325 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL 61820. 271.p., illus., bibliog., index. ISBN 0-252-02147-9. Up Home Page Go to People Next Aucune reproduction à caractère commercial n'est autorisée.
Emma Goldman Anarchist Emma Goldman (18691940) Born in Russia, Emma Goldman emigratedto the United States as a teenager and found that the http://writetools.com/women/stories/goldman_emma.html
Extractions: The history of the American kings of capital and authority is the history of repeated crimes, injustice, oppression, outrage, and abuse, all aiming at the suppression of individual liberties and the exploitation of the people. A vast country, rich enough to supply all her children with all possible comforts, and insure well-being to all, is in the hands of a few, while the nameless millions are at the mercy of ruthless wealth gatherers, unscrupulous lawmakers, and corrupt politicians. Anarchist Emma Goldman (1869-1940) Born in Russia, Emma Goldman emigrated to the United States as a teenager and found that the realities of working as a seamstress in a garment sweatshop and living in a slum did not match her expectations about the promise of America. Her activism began after the Chicago Haymarket Square tragedy Crystal Eastman found the National Civil Liberties Bureau) said that hearing Emma speak was "the eye-opener of my life. Never before had I heard such social passion, such courageous exposure of basic evils, such electric power behind words." Emma published an influential anarchist magazine called Mother Earth , and she stirred up trouble with her fiery speeches throughout the United States. The FBI watched her every move and arrested her at every opportunity. She was jailed six times on charges ranging from incitement to riot to advocating birth control to protesting the draft during World War I. After being released from prison for her anti-draft activities in 1919, Emma was
Resources - Emma Goldman Poster - Jewish Women's Archive Contact JWA. Emma Goldman 18691940. Each poster includes timelines, images,and noteworthy quotes. Emma Goldman is one of our three 2002 Women of Valor. http://www.jwa.org/resources/posters/egposter.htm
Extractions: SWEET BRIAR, VA - Candace Falk, director of The Emma Goldman Papers project at the University of California at Berkeley, will present a slide lecture on "Emma Goldman; Passion, Politics, and the Struggle for Consistency" on Wednesday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. in the Wailes Student Center at Sweet Briar College. Emma Goldman (1869-1940), was a nurse, midwife, political lecturer and writer, and stands as a major figure in the history of American radicalism and feminism. Former CIA Director J. Edgar Hoover once described Goldman as one of "the most dangerous anarchists in this country" for her unwavering advocacy of free speech, birth control, women's equality, sexual freedom and union organizing. She was a vocal critic of the conscription of young men into the military during World War I. Such anti-war activities led Hoover to have Goldman deported back to her native Russia. Hoover kept a file on Goldman until her death in 1940. Falk is the author of Love, Anarchy, and Emma Goldman
Records For Anarchism -- United States -- Biography. (in VSCCAT) Goldman, Emma, 18691940. Living my life. Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940. Nowhereat home; letters from exile of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. http://scolar.vsc.edu:8003/VSCCAT/@ANARCHISM/34a400005100/0
Living My Life. (in VSCCAT) Living my life. Title Living my life. Author Goldman, Emma, 18691940.Published New York, Dover Publications 1970. Subject http://scolar.vsc.edu:8003/VSCCAT/AAQ-7680
Emma Goldman The following information came from Microsoft Encarta Emma Goldman. Goldman,Emma (18691940), Russian anarchist, born in Kovno (now Kaunas, Lithuania). http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/biographies/goldman.html
Emma Goldman'ýn Hayat Hikayesi Emma Goldman (18691940), Emma Goldman, ailesinin küçük bir han islettigi Rusya'dakibir Yahudi gettosunda 1869'da dogdu. Onüç yasindayken, ailesi St. http://uk.geocities.com/anarsistbakis/others/goldman-bio.html
Extractions: Emma Goldman, ailesinin küçük bir han iþlettiði Rusya'daki bir Yahudi gettosunda 1869'da doðdu. Onüç yaþýndayken, ailesi St. Petersburg'a taþýndý. Bu tam da Alexander II'nin suikaste uðradýðý ve siyasi baskýlarýn yaþandýðý bir dönemdi. Yahudi topluluðu bir kýyým dalgasýyla karþý karþýyaydý. Zamanýn ciddi ekonomik güçlükler, St. Petersburg'a taþýnmasýndan altý ay sonra Emma Goldman'ýn okulu býrakarak fabrikada çalýþmaya baþlamasýna neden oldu. Oradayken Goldman'ýn eline, kitabýn kahramaný Vera'nýn nihilizme yöneldiði ve cinsiyetler arasýnda eþitliðin ve dayanýþmacý bir çalýþmanýn olduðu bir dünyada yaþadýðý, Cherychevsky'nin " Ne Yapýlmalý "sý geçti. Kitap, Goldman'ýn daha sonraki anarþizminin baþlangýç halindeki bir kabataslaðýný sunar, ve onun kendi yaþamýný istediði gibi yaþama kararlýðýný güçlendirir. 15 yaþýndayken babasý onu evlendirmeye çalýþýr, ancak bunu kaul etmez. Sonunda üvey kýzkardeþi ile beraber Rochester'daki kýzkardeþinin yanýna gönderilmesine karar verildi. Goldman, Amerika'nýn bir Yahudi göçmen için hiç de vaat edilen bir fýrsatlar ülkesi olmadýðýnýn farkýna varýr. Goldman için Amerika'nýn anlamý, terzi olarak yaþamýný sürdürdüðü gecekondular ve kötü çalýþma koþullarý demekti. Goldman'ý anarþizme çeken ilk þey Chicago'daki Haymarket Meydaný trajedisinden yükselen haykýrýþlardý. Ýþçilerin 8 saatlik iþ günü için gösterisi sýrasýnda polis kalabalýðýnýn arasýna bir bomba atýlmýþtý. Nihayetinde dört anarþist asýlmýþtý. En zayýf delillerle mahkum edildiler; mahkemede yargýç açýkça "
Anarþist Bakýþ Kitap Raflari Arasindan Toplum Için Siirler (1965). Kara BayrakÜzerine Neden Kara Bayrak? . Emma Goldman (18691940) Hayati . http://uk.geocities.com/anarsistbakis/
Extractions: Utancýn Altý Günü John Pilger 26 Mart 2003 [yeni] Bush Herþeyine Bahse Giriyor I. Wallerstein 21 Mart 2003 [yeni] Derin Kaygýlar Noam Chomsky 20 Mart 2003 [yeni] Powell'ýn Sunuþu: Beckettvari Bir Þey Robert Fisk 6 Þubat 2003 Irak'ýn Kýsa Kronolojisi Irak'taki Muhalif Politik Yapýlanmalar ÝLGÝLÝ YAZILAR: ABD Ordusunun 100 Yýllýk Devrialemi Zoltan Grossman Barýþa Doðru: Anarþistler ve Savaþ Karþýtý Hareket H. Ehrlich
Anarchist - Emma Goldman Emma Goldman (18691940) This page is under construction! http://burn.ucsd.edu/~anow/ppl/rev/goldman/
Emma Goldman Papers, The Web http//sunsite.berkeley.edu/Goldman/ Emma Goldman (18691940) standsas a major figure in the history of American radicalism and feminism. http://www.bapd.org/gemmrs-1.html
Extractions: Previous group Next group * Top of A San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory Web http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Goldman/ Emma Goldman (1869-1940) stands as a major figure in the history of American radicalism and feminism. An influential and well-known anarchist of her day, Goldman was an early advocate of free speech, birth control, women's equality and independence, union organization, and the eight-hour work day. Index Keys
Emma Goldman: Individen, Staten Och Samhället Individen, staten och samhället - av Emma Goldman (1869-1940). ÖversättningAnita Goldman och Ingemar E. Nilsson Källa Goldman http://home.swipnet.se/~w-15918/texter/org/goldman1.html
Extractions: Först publicerad 1940. M änniskorna är förvirrade, för vår civilisations grundvalar verkar vackla. Folk håller på att förlora tilltron till de befintliga institutionerna och de mer intelligenta inser att den kapitalistiska industrialismen omintetgör själva det syfte den antas tjäna. Världen har svårt att finna en lösning. Parlamentarismen och demokratin är på nedåtgående. Frälsning söks i fascism och andra former av "stark" ledning. Kampen mellan motsatta idéer som nu pågår i hela världen är oupplösligt förbunden med sociala problem som är i trängande behov av en lösning. Individens väl och det mänskliga samhällets öde beror på omm vi kan finna det rätta svaret på dessa frågor. Arbetslöshetskriserna, krig, nedrustning och internationella relationer är några av dessa problem. Staten, regeringen med sina uppgifter och maktbefogenheter, är nu föremål för ett livligt intresse från varje tänkande person. Den politiska utvecklingen i alla civiliserade länder har ställt frågan på dagordningen: Skall vi ha en stark regering? Är demokrati och parlamentarism att föredra eller är fascism och andra typer av diktaturer - monarkistiska, borgerliga eller proletära - botemedlet mot de sjukdomar och svårigheter som anfäktar samhället av idag?
SEIU Local 73 Emma Goldman. 18691940 Emma Goldman was born on June 27 1869 in a Jewishghetto in Lithuanian and immigrated with 16 years in the USA. http://www.seiu73.org/ourlocal/bios/emmagoldman.cfm