- Political speeches in Scotland by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-07-30
- Landmarks of Homeric study. Together with an essay on the points of contact between the Assyrian tablets and the Homeric text by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-08-03
- Is the Church of England worth preserving? by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-06-07
- Two letters to the Earl of Aberdeen, on the state prosecutions of the Neapolitan government by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-05-18
- The state in its relations with the Church by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-09-13
- The Church in Wales a speech by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, Watkin Herbert Williams, 2010-06-07
- The Psalter: with a concordance and other auxiliary matter ... by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-06-20
- The Irish question: I, History of an idea: II, Lessons of the election by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-08-19
- An academic sketch by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-08-21
- Vaticanism: an answer to reproofs and replies by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-05-18
- Ecce homo by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-08-19
- The Odes of Horace by Horace Horace, W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-09-06
- Studies on Homer and the Homeric age by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-08-16
- Books which have influenced me by W E. 1809-1898 Gladstone, 2010-08-20