St.Gildas Introduces Himself St Gildas. surnamed SAPIENS , or THE Wise. I. THE PREFACE (writtenin the 6th century AD). 1. WHATEVER in this my epistle I may write
Extractions: Books on this subject Surnamed: "SAPIENS", OR THE WISE I. THE PREFACE (written in the 6th century AD) Wherefore in zeal for the house of God and for his holy law, constrained either by the reasonings of my own thoughts or by the pious entreaties of my brethren, I now discharge the debt so long exacted of me; humble, indeed, in style but faithful, as I think, and friendly to all Christ's youthful soldiers, but severe and insupportable to foolish apostates; the former of whom, if I am not deceived, will receive the same with tears flowing from God's love; but the others will sorrow, such as is extorted from the indignation and pusillanimity of a convicted conscience. 2. I will, therefore, if God be willing, endeavour to say a few words about the situation of Britain, her disobedience and subjection, her rebellion, second subjection and dreadful slavery-of her religion persecution, holy martyrs, heresies of different kinds-of her tyrants, her two hostile and ravaging nations-of her first devastation, her defence, her second devastation and second taking vengeance-of her third devastation, of her famine, and the letters to Agitius-of her victory and her crimes-of the sudden rumour of enemies-of her famous pestilence-of her counsels-of her last enemy, far more cruel than the first-of the subversion of her cities, and of the remnant that escaped; and finally, of the peace which, by the will of God, has been granted her in these our times.
Gildas The Works of Gildas surnamed Sapiens , or The Wise. I. The Preface.1. Whatever in this my epistle I may write in my humble but
Extractions: var site="s12porom" Gildas is thought to have been a Welsh monk. His diatribe against the rulers of Britain - De Excidio Britannia - has shaped our knowledge about the Roman departure from Britain. It is highly dramatised and, at present, we have no way of knowing how accurate it may be - there is no alternative contemporary source. The following is a Victorian translation with original notes - opinions may have changed. Also, be warned that the Preface is a particularly turgid read - it gets better. On The Ruin of Britain (De Excidio Britanniae) by Gildas Translation by J.A. Giles Page [ The Works of Gildas surnamed "Sapiens", or The Wise. I. The Preface * Notwithstanding this remark of Gildas, the Britons must have shown great bravery and resolution in their battles against the Saxons, or they would not have resisted their encroachments so Long. When Gildas was writing, a hundred years had elapsed, and The Britons still possessed a large portion of their native country. Wherefore in zeal for the house of God and for his holy law, constrained either by the reasonings of my own thoughts, or by the pious entreaties of my brethren, I now discharge the debt so long exacted of me; humble, indeed, in style, but faithful, as I think, and friendly to all Christ's youthful soldiers, but severe and insupportable to foolish apostates; the former of whom, if I am not deceived, will receive the same with tears flowing from god's love; but the others with sorrow, such as is extorted from the indignation and pusillanimity of a convicted conscience.
The Lost Continent Of The online presence of one Leon Matthews esq. resides here as does a litany of free and useful dovnloads, tutorials and information S. (William Schwenck), Sir, 1836-1911. Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise AKA Gildas, 516?-570? Gildas, 516?-570?
Project Gutenberg: Authors List Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise AKA Gildas, 516?570? Gildas, 516?-570?AKA Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise. Giles, Herbert Allen, 1845-1935.
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The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg bobe-books is an online internet publishing site. S. (William Schwenck), Sir, 1836-1911. Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise AKA Gildas, 516?-570? Gildas, 516?-570?
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Untitled This is Project Gutenberg. W. S. (William Schwenck), Sir, 18361911 Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise AKA Gildas, 516?-570? Gildas, 516?-570?
This List Has Been Downloaded From Gay, John, 16851732 Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794 Gilbert, WS (William Schwenck),Sir, 1836-1911 Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise AKA Gildas, 516?-570? activities/
Index Translate this page Editors AKA Militia of Mercy Gutenberg Gilbert, WS (William Schwenck), Sir, 1836-1911Gutenberg Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise AKA Gildas, 516?-570?
This List Has Been Downloaded From S. (William Schwenck), Sir, 18361911. Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise AKA Gildas, 516?-570? Gildas, 516?-570?
List Of Ebook Authors of The Militia of Mercy, Editors AKA Militia of Mercy Gilbert, WS (William Schwenck),Sir, 18361911 Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise AKA Gildas, 516 Output=preview On The Ruin of Britain (De Excidio Britanniae) by Gildas Translationby JA Giles The Works of Gildas surnamed Sapiens , or The Wise.
Biblioteca Virtual 570?). AKA Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise. On The Ruin Of Britain (DeExcidio Britanniae) (.zip 23.47 Kb). Giles, Herbert Allen (1845 + 1935).
Listing Of Authors AKA Gildas surnamed 'Sapiens', or The Wise Giles, Herbert Allen, 18451935 Gillmore,Inez Haynes, 1873-1970 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935 Ginzberg
Medieval Wedding Picture Back to Medieval Source Book orB Main Page Links to Other Medieval Sites MedievalSourcebook Gildas (c.504570) Works surnamed SAPIENS, or THE Wise I.
The Ruin Of Britian the terms of use. Translation by JA Giles The Works of Gildas surnamed Sapiens , or The Wise. The original ASCII text prepared
Extractions: HTML editing for THE WEB Online Library And Reading Room by Evian Blackthorn I. The Preface 1. Whatever in this my epistle I may write in my humble but well meaning manner, rather by way of lamentation than for display, let no one suppose that it springs from contempt of others or that I foolishly esteem myself as better than they; for alas, the subject of my complaint is the general destruction of every thing that is good, and the general growth of evil throughout the land; but that I rejoice to see her revive therefrom: for it is my present purpose to relate the deeds of an indolent and slothful race, rather than the exploits of those who have been valiant in the field Wherefore in zeal for the house of God and for his holy law, constrained either by the reasonings of my own thoughts, or by the pious entreaties of my brethren, I now discharge the debt so long exacted of me; humble, indeed, in style, but faithful, as I think, and friendly to all Christ's youthful soldiers, but severe and insupportable to foolish apostates; the former of whom, if I am not deceived, will receive the same with tears flowing from god's love; but the others with sorrow, such as is extorted from the indignation and pusillanimity of a convicted conscience.
Medieval Sourcebook Gildas (c.504-570) Works (complete) Medieval Sourcebook Gildas (c.504570) Works. surnamed SAPIENS, or THE Wise. I. THE PREFACE. 1. WHATEVER in this my epistle I
On The Ruin Of Britain Ad. On The Ruin of Britain. (De Excidio Britanniae). by Gildas Translation byJA Giles. The Works of Gildas surnamed Sapiens , or The Wise. I. The Preface.
Extractions: by Gildas Translation by J.A. Giles The Works of Gildas surnamed "Sapiens", or The Wise. I. The Preface * Notwithstanding this remark of Gildas, the Britons must have shown great bravery and resolution in their battles against the Saxons, or they would not have resisted their encroachments so Long. When Gildas was writing, a hundred years had elapsed, and The Britons still possessed a large portion of their native country. Wherefore in zeal for the house of God and for his holy law, constrained either by the reasonings of my own thoughts, or by the pious entreaties of my brethren, I now discharge the debt so long exacted of me; humble, indeed, in style, but faithful, as I think, and friendly to all Christ's youthful soldiers, but severe and insupportable to foolish apostates; the former of whom, if I am not deceived, will receive the same with tears flowing from god's love; but the others with sorrow, such as is extorted from the indignation and pusillanimity of a convicted conscience. 2. I will, therefore, if God be willing, endeavour to say a few words about the situation of Britain, her disobedience and subjection, her rebellion, second subjection and dreadful slaveryof her religion, persecution, holy martyrs, heresies of different kinds of her tyrants, her two hostile and ravaging nationsof her first devastation, her defence, her second devastation, and second taking vengeanceof her third devastation, of her famine, and the letters to Agitius*-of her victory and her crimesof the sudden rumour of enemiesof her famous pestilence-of her counsels of her last enemy, far more cruel than the first-of the subversion of her cities, and of the remnant that escaped; and finally, of the peace which, by the will of God, has been granted her in these our times.