- The path of glory by A R. Allinson, Edouard Champion, 2010-08-28
- At the sign of the Reine Pedauque by Frank Cheyne Pape, 2010-07-30
- Count Morin, deputy by J Lewis b. 1873 May, 2010-07-29
- Discours prononcé à l'inauguration de la statue d'Ernest Renan à Tréguier (French Edition)
- The ASPIRATIONS Of JEAN SERVIEN. A Translation by Alfred Allinson. by Anatole [1844 - 1924]. France, 1927-01-01
- The amethyst ring by Bérengère Drillien, 2010-08-30
- Nos enfants; scenes de la ville et des champs (French Edition) by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel, 2010-08-05
- The white stone by Charles E. tr Roche, 2010-09-08
- Balthasar. by Anatole France. a translation. by Mrs. John Lane. by France. Anatole. 1844-1924., 1909-01-01
- At the sign of the Reine Peïÿýdauque, by Anatole France, translated by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson, with illus. & decorations by Frank C. Papeïÿý and an introd. by William J. Locke by Anatole (1844-1924) France, 1926-01-01
- Anatole France abroad by his secretary Jean Jacques Brousson. Translated to English from French by John Pollock. With a preface by Ernest Boyd by Anatole (1844-1924). Brousson, Jean Jaques (editor). Pollock, John (1878 France, 1928
- At the sign of the Reine Pe´dauque, by Anatole France, translated by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson, with illus. & decorations by Frank C. Pape´ and an introd. by William J. Locke by Anatole (1844-1924) France, 1926-01-01
- The red lily. by Anatole France. a translation by Winifred Steph by France. Anatole. 1844-1924., 1910-01-01
- At the sign of the Reine Pedauque, by Anatole France, translated by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson, with illus. & decorations by Frank C. Pape and an introd. by William J. Locke by Anatole (1844-1924) France, 1928-01-01