Kunsthalle Mannheim - Tinguely 06.10.2002 - 19.01.2003 Translate this page Heidegger, Ludwig Wittgenstein oder hier Jacob Burckhardt benannt sind steht verweistauf die Herkunft Jacob Burckhardts (1818-1897) aus Basel. http://www.mannheim.de/museen-archiv/kunsthalle/tinguely/kunst_4.htm
The Four Ages Of Friedrich, Greek Mythology Link. A vigorous life force must have characterized the old Greek tribes Jacob Burckhardt1818 1897, Griechische Kulturgeschichte. Jacob Burckhardt 1818-1897. http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Friedrich2.html
Heinrich Wölfflin art history and philosophy at the University of Basel from 1882 to 1886, wherehis teacher was the famous historian Jacob Burckhardt (18181897), writer of http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/wolfflin.htm
Extractions: A B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Renaissance und Barock (1888, Renaissance and Baroque) and Die klassische Kunst (1898, Classic Art), and Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriff e (1915, Principles of Art History). "Of all nations, Italy has given the classic type its clearest impress; that is the glory of her architecture as of her design. Even in the baroque she never went so far in depriving the parts of their independence as Germany. We could characterise the difference of imagination by a musical metaphor. Italian church bells always hold to definite tone-figures: when German bells ring it is merely a weft of harmonious sound." Principles of Art History Thesaurus Linguae Latinae , for which he prepared the Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860). He spent two years in Italy, and published in 1888 his first major work, Renaissance und Barock . It was not until the publication of this study that the term "Baroque" was used neutrally in art history - earlier it had been a synonym for eccentric odd, or bizarre. In Wölfflin's time baroque art was not considered respectable outside Germany. However, Wölfflin applied the term to period which started about 1530 and ended in the 1630s, when later the term was used to describe the style that followed Mannerism and lasted, though with profound modifications, until well into the 18th century. Wölfflin made a clear historical distinction between Renaissance and Baroque, defining the later as "movement imported into mass." For Jacob Burckhardt, whose thought deeply influenced Wölfflin, the style meant degeneration. Prejudice against Baroque's artistic achievements continued almost until the World War II.
Fondo De Cultura Económica: Autor Burckhardt, Jacob Translate this page En la gran constelación de historiadores del siglo XIX -de Von Ranke a Michelet-,el nombre del suizo Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897) ocupa un sitio eminente. http://www.fce.com.ar/autores.asp?AUT=1146
Journal Of The History Of Ideas, Volume 60 - Table Of Contents Grosse, Jürgen. Reading History On Jacob Burckhardt as SourceReader SubjectsBurckhardt, Jacob, 1818-1897. Burckhardt, Jacob, 1818-1897 Public opinion. http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/jhi/toc/jhi60.3.html
Journal Of The History Of Ideas, Volume 60 - Table Of Contents Jacob Burckhardt, Religion, and the Historiography of Crisis and Transition Subjects Burckhardt, Jacob, 18181897 Criticism and interpretation. http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/jhi/toc/jhi60.1.html
Forthcoming Books, January 2000 references and index. ISBN 07735-1027-3 $55.00 1. Burckhardt, Jacob,1818-1897 I. Title. II. Series. D15 B8 H56 2000 907'.202 2006. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/forthbks/2000-01/en/e900.htm
The Greeks And Greek Civilization Jacob Burckhardt (18181897) portrayed ancient Greek culture as an aristocraticworld based on ruthless competition for honor, which led, in turn, to a http://www.hallhistory.com/ancient/169.shtml
Extractions: The Swiss scholar Jacob Burckhardt (1818-97) is well known as the author of The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy , which has remained in print since its publication in 1860. He is far less well known for his pioneering studies in ancient Greek history, which were an important influence on his most celebrated student, Friedrich Nietzsche, and which shaped the modernist view of Greek civilization not as an expression of the heights of human reason, but as an irrational and often dangerous construct. Burckhardt believed that the ancient Greeks' myth-laden view of their own past, full of sociopathic heroes and tragic victims, was an expression of this state of unreason: "The wildest variations and contradictions," he writes, "were not found at all disturbing." Gregory McNamee The Washington Post Book World , Michael Dirda
Atlantisz Alapítvány és Könyvkiadó - Budapest Karl Löwith/. Jacob Burckhardt (18181897), Leopold von Ranke és TheodorMommsen mellett a legnagyobb német nyelvu történészek egyike. http://www.atlantiszkiado.hu/konyvek/burckhardt_j_vil_tort_elm.htm
Extractions: 2001. (Circus Maximus sorozat) Ford. Báthori Csaba, Hidas Zoltán. Bolti ár: 2695 Ft / Kiadón keresztül: 2195 Ft Burckhardt vonakodása attól, hogy végsõ célokkal foglalkozzon, a végsõ értelemrõl való szükségképpeni lemondáshoz vezet. És mégis, szerinte éppen a történelem tovaármlásában van egyfajta állandóság, nevezetesen: kontinuitása. Ha egy radikális válság történelmünk kontinuitását valóban szétrobbantaná, az tényleg a végét jelentené. A tudatos történeti kontinuitás tradíciót teremt és egyszersmind fel is szabadít alóla. Csak primitív és civilizált barbárok mondanak le a történeti tudatosság ezen elõnyérõl. A történeti kontinuitás emberi ittlétünk lényegi érdeke, mert ez értelmének egyetlen bizonyítéka. /Karl Löwith/ Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897), Leopold von Ranke és Theodor Mommsen mellett a legnagyobb német nyelvû történészek egyike. 1858-1893 között a baseli egyetem professzora. (Nietzsche is diákjai közé tartozott.) Kortársai elõtt elsõsorban három könyve tette ismertté: a Nagy Konstantin kora (1852), a Cicerone (1854) és A reneszánsz kultúrája Itáliában (1860). Halála után kiadott nevezetes elõadásai közé tartozik a Görög kultúrtörténet és mindenekelõtt a Világtörténelmi elmélkedések, melynek magyar fordítása már a C.H. Beck kiadó közelmúltban megjelent kritikai kiadásár támaszkodva készült.
Home Jacob Christoph Burckhardt (18181897) en Desiderius Erasmus (1466/9-1536) zijnnamen die meer betekenen dan een verwijzing naar bepaalde personen; zij staan http://www.erasmus.org/evenementen/lezing_JvH/p1.html
Extractions: pagina 1 van 7 Ligging sterfhuis Erasmus en Geboortehuis Burckhardt Het sterfhuis Erasmus Het thans niet meer bestaande geboortehuis van Jacob Burckhardt Sterfkamer van Erasmus in huis Zum Luft Jacob Christoph Burckhardt (1818-1897) en Desiderius Erasmus (1466/9-1536) zijn namen die meer betekenen dan een verwijzing naar bepaalde personen; zij staan voor een configuratie met een ideële waarde. Burckhardt wordt nogal eens in de erasmiaans-humanistische traditie gesitueerd en iemand als Alfred von Martin (1882-1965) laat zelfs de wat hij humanistische Linie noemt van Socrates via Erasmus naar Burckhardt lopen . Wanneer Erasmus en Burckhardt in een adem worden genoemd, betrekt men daarbij meestal ook de beide steden waarmee hun namen onlosmakelijk zijn verbonden: Basel voor beiden, Rotterdam voor Erasmus. De faam die Rotterdam aan Erasmus te danken heeft berust slechts op diens geboorte en vroegste jeugd Heel wat meer jaren dan in Rotterdam heeft Erasmus gesleten in Basel, Burckhardts vader- en moederstad, waar Jacob Burckhardt vrijwel zijn hele leven heeft vertoefd. De befaamde kunsthistoricus Heinrich Wölfflin (1864-1945) - die Burckhardt nog persoonlijk heeft gekend - roemde Burckhardt als
Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print civilization by Jacob Burckhardt Publisher Comments Jacob Burckhardt (18181897)is perhaps the most preeminent historian of classical and Renaissance culture. http://www.powells.com/psection/WorldHistory.html
Virginia Tech Libraries: New Book List Title Reflections on history / Jacob Burckhardt. Author Burckhardt, Jacob,18181897. Publisher Indianapolis Liberty Classics, 1979, c1943. http://www.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/January2002/D.html
Rensyl00.doc Jensen, Renaissance Europe, introduction, pp. 14. Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897),The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (Penguin edition, trans. http://www.holycross.edu/departments/history/lattreed/247syl.htm
Extractions: Remember what the fellow said in Italy for 30 years, under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock! Orson Welles, "The Third Man" PURPOSE OF COURSE: To provide students with an understanding of the chronological and conceptual development of Western Europe during the fourteenth through early sixteenth centuries, a time period known as the Renaissance. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is taught on the intermediate level, and assumes some experience in historical study and the use of primary sources, experience such as that found in the introductory surveys History 112 (Emerging Europe 1000-1500) or 113 (Europe 1500-1815). The Prince , and Thomas More's Utopia CONTACT: Office: O'Kane 389 (phone 793-2358). E-mail: lattreed@holycross.edu COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Attendance is expected at all class meetings. Excessive absences, defined at the discretion of the professor, will result in notification of the class dean and failure in the course. The student, absent or not, is responsible for the content of lectures and discussions of the class, and for all announcements made at such times. Attendance is required for examinations; make-up exams may be given only with authorization from the student's class dean. Attendance forms part of the grade for discussion and participation, but perfect attendance with little or no class discussion will not result in a perfect grade.
Burckhardt Translate this page Jacob Burckhardt. buckh.jpg (5228 byte), 1818-1897. Conosciuto comel'autore della civilizzazione della rinascita in Italia, Burckhardt http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/fnietzsche/_private/burckhardt.htm
Extractions: Jacob Burckhardt 1818-1897. Conosciuto come l'autore della civilizzazione della rinascita in Italia, Burckhardt è una figura importante per la storiografia. Il suo pensiero ha contribuito a modellare la storia intellettuale in Europa, grazie alle sue analisi sui totalitarismi. Ha studiato con lo storico Leopold von Ranke ed è stato professore all'università di Zurigo (1855-8) ed all'università di Basilea (1858-93), dove conobbe Nietzsche e del quale divenne amico. In Italia è conosciuto per la sua rinascita del der di Kultur del dado in Italien , pubblicato nel 1860. L'opera rimane un classico, anche se la sua interpretazione politica e culturale della rinascita è ancora fonte di discussione fra gli storici. Credendo in un modello di coltura particolare ad ogni età, Burckhardt ha cercato paragoni tra la società medioevale e quella del quattordicesimo e quindicesimo secolo: è la disputa fra l'impero e il papato ad aver creato un vuoto politico e morale, conducente alla nascita dell'umanesimo. Burckhardt ha visto l'umanesimo come la rinascita dell'antichità classica. Burckhardt inoltre vedeva nel mondo moderno una regressione dei valori culturali e spirituali. Si comprende come ci siano profondamente analogie con il pensiero di Nietzsche.
Records For Renaissance -- Italy. (in MARION) Burckhardt, Jacob, 18181897 The civilisation of the renaissance in Italy,by Jacob Burckhardt. Authorised Burckhardt, Jacob, 1818-1897. The http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/@RENAISSANCE ITALY/de7c20009000/0
Lehrveranstaltungen Translate this page Übung im Sinn der Zwischenprüfungsordnung. Inhalt Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897)zählt zu den bedeutendsten Historikern des 19. Jahrhunderts. http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/dekanat-geschichte/vv/vv_ng.htm
Extractions: Ort: Raum 221 Literatur: E. Foner, ed. The New American History (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990); P. Novick, That Noble Dream: The Objectivity Question and the American Historical Profession (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988); Th. G. Paterson, Major Problems in American History, 35 vols. (Lexington/Boston, 1990ff.). 2 st., Mo 16-18
Fireball Shop Translate this page auf Taf. 23 cm Der Autor Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897), neben Leopold v. Ranke undTheodor Mommsen einer der größten Historiker deutscher Sprache, wirkte http://shopping.fireball.de/scripts/fb/browse.php?pg=3&cat=42
Recent Acquisitions In History Burckhardt, Jacob, 18181897. The letters of Jacob Burckhardt. Burckhardt, Jacob,1818-1897 Correspondence. Historians Switzerland Correspondence. http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/hisweb/his302.htm
Extractions: at Ohio State University Libraries March, 2002 The influence of Petrus Ramus: studies in sixteenth and seventeenth century philosophy and sciences. Basel: Schwabe, 2001. Ramus, Petrus, 1515-1572 Influence. Perkinson, Henry J. Flight from fallibility: how theory triumphed over experience in the West. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2002. Criticism (Philosophy). Philosophy and civilization. Justification (Theory of knowledge). Fallibility. Theory. Suderman, Jeffrey M. (Jeffrey Mark), 1965- Orthodoxy and enlightenment: George Campbell in the eighteenth century. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, c2001. Campbell, George, 1719-1796. Theologians Scotland Biography. Philosophers Scotland Biography. Religion, reason, and nature in early modern Europe. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2001. Natural theology History of doctrines 17th century Congresses. Brooks, Richard S., 1946- Science and religion in the English-speaking world, 1600-1727: a bibliographic guide to the secondary literature. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2001.
New Acquisitions In Classics (Series Monografie (Centro ricerche e documentazione sull'antichit`a classica(Rome, Italy)) ; 22.) Main Stack DE59.I54 2001 Burckhardt, Jacob, 18181897. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/ARTH/clasjul.html
Extractions: New Acquisitions in Classics July 2002 Newly acquired materials, primarily of interest to classicists, listed in Library of Congress call number order. Please note : Many of the titles listed below are not shelved in the Art History/Classics Library; please check individual records for the shelving location. Homer. The Iliad / Homer ; translated by Robert Fagles ; introduction booklet by Bernard Knox. [sound recording] St. Paul, Minn. : Penguin-HighBridge Audio, c1990. (Series: Classics on cassette.) Morrison Rm PA4025.A2F25 1990 sound/c