- Theosophy and the new psychology. A course of six lectures by An by Besant. Annie Wood. 1847-1933., 1909-01-01
- Legends and tales. by Besant. Annie Wood. 1847-1933., 1913-01-01
- The changing world. and Lectures to theosophical students; fifte by Besant. Annie Wood. 1847-1933., 1910-01-01
- The building of the kosmos and other lectures delivered at the e by Besant. Annie Wood. 1847-1933., 1894-01-01
- Thought power; its control and culture. by Besant. Annie Wood. 1847-1933., 1909-01-01
- Wake up, India : a plea for social reform by Annie Wood (1847-1933) Besant, 1913-01-01
- Annie Besant and Progressive Messianism: 1847-1933 (Studies in Women & Religion) by Catherine Wessinger, 1988-01
- Annie Besant (Lives of Modern Women) by Rosemary Dinnage, 1987-07-07
- The Trial of Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh by Roger Manvell, 1976-06
- Solidarity (Women History Makers) by Anna Sproule, 1988-08
- Annie Besant: A Biography by Anne Taylor, 1992-05-07