Renaissance Epic The MiltonL Home Page. Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto - Introduction andTable of Contents. Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533) Creative Quotations Ariosto.
Extractions: Jerusalem Delivered Fairfax's translation at Project Gutenberg Edmund Spenser Home Page Richard Bear has texts of many other poets, including most of the Ovidian narratives of the period. A great place to wander around in. John Milton Reading Room Samson Agonistes The Milton-L Home Page Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto - Introduction and Table of Contents ... Orlando Furioso An attractive Italian text, well put together and quick to load Orlando Furioso W. S. Rose's nineteenth-century translation, based on the 1532 version of the poem. Lodovico Ariosto Collection Catholic Encyclopedia: LUDOVICO ARIOSTO Brief remarks on the "Italian Homer" Reflections on Milton and Ariosto [EMLS 2.3 (December 1996): 4.1-16] by Roy Flannagan Return to HyperEpos Early Modern Literary Studies Luminarium This site is maintained by
Ludovico Ariosto - Kalliope Kalliope Digtere Ludovico Ariosto. Ludovico Ariosto (14741533). Digtere VærkerDigte Baggrund, Portrætter, Portrætgalleri for Ludovico Ariosto. Biografi,
Digtere - Kalliope Boccaccio, Giovanni (13131375) 1425-1449 Boiardo, Matteo Maria (1441 ca.-1494) 1450-1474Poliziano, Angelo (1454-1494) Ariosto, Ludovico (1474-1533) 1475-1499
San Diego Opera Sourcebook ARIODANTE. Ludovico Ariosto (14741533). Ludovico Ariosto, the author ofOrlando furioso, ranks only behind Dante in the minds of many Italians.
Extractions: Sourcebook Home Page The initials below the article are those of the author. Click on them for a brief biography ARIODANTE LUDOVICO ARIOSTO (1474-1533) Ludovico Ariosto, the author of Orlando furioso , ranks only behind Dante in the minds of many Italians. Raphael painted him in the Parnessus fresco of the Vatican with Homer, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Dante and Petrach. His family can be traced back to twelfth-century minor nobility, first in Bologna and then in the Duchy of Ferrara Orlando innamorato , written in the vernacular. When Ariosto's father died in 1500, Ariosto became the head of a large family and helped provide for them. He was able to continue his writing. Then in1502, with no military training, he became the commander of the fort at Canossa. He also wrote his Epithalamium for the marriage of Alfonso d'Este and Lucrezia Borgia , and was listed among the chief Italian poets of the day. In 1503, he gave up his military post and returned to Ferrara to enter the service of
Ariosto, Ludovico Ariosto, Ludovico. 14741533, Italian epic and lyric poet. As a youthhe was a favorite at the court of Ferrara; later he was in
Extractions: Ariosto, Ludovico 1474-1533, Italian epic and lyric poet. As a youth he was a favorite at the court of Ferrara; later he was in the service of Ippolito I, Cardinal d'Este, and from 1517 until his death served Alfonso, duke of Ferrara. He was never properly rewarded by his patrons. While in the service of the cardinal, he began writing his masterpiece, the Orlando Furioso, published in its final form in 1532. This epic treatment of the Roland story, theoretically a sequel to the unfinished poem of Boiardo , greatly influenced Shakespeare, Milton, and Byron. It was intended to glorify the Este family as Vergil had glorified the Julians. Ariosto also wrote lyric verse of unequal merit, but he was among the first to write comedies in the vernacular (based loosely on Roman models), among them I Suppositi [the pretenders] and Il Negromante [the necromancer]. See the famous 16th-century translation of Orlando Furioso by Sir John Harington, ed. by Robert McNulty (1972), as well as the recent verse translation by Barbara Reynolds (2 vol., 1975); studies by Benedetto Croce (tr. 1920, repr. 1966), Robert Griffin (1974), and A. R. Ascoli (1987). Ludovico Ariosto 14741533 search biblion. Italian poet, remembered primarilyfor his ORLANDO FURIOSO, published in its final version in 1532.
Extractions: Italian poet, remembered primarily for his ORLANDO FURIOSO, published in its final version in 1532. Ariosto's work was the most celebrated narrative poem of the Italian high Renaissance, and the first example of modern poetry to provoke widespread critical controversy. Ariosto was born in Reggio Emilia, as the son of Count Niccolò Ariosto. At the age of then his family moved to Ferrera, where he studied law from 1489 to1494. There he also started to study Latin and Greek language and literature. When his father died in 1500, Ariosto assumed for some years the management of family estates as the eldest of 10 children. In 1502 he became commander of the fort of Canossa, and the next year he entered the service of Cardinal Ippolito d'Este. In 1513 Ariosto met Alessandra Benucci. After the death of her husband, Tito Strozzi, she became Ariosto's mistress. Because the family had settled comfortably in Ferrara, Ariosto refused to accompany Cardinal d'Este to Hungary, and entered the service of Alfonso I, Duke of Ferrara, the Cardinal's brother. In 1522 he was sent to govern the Garfagnana region in the wildest part of the Apuan Alps. He returned after three years from the bandit-ridden post to Ferrara.
Ludovico Ariosto. (in MARION) Ludovico Ariosto. Title Ludovico Ariosto. Author Griffin, Robert, 1936. PublishedNew York, Twayne Publishers 1974. Subject Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533.
LUDOVICO ARIOSTO Translate this page Biografia. Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533). Uno dei poeti più illustridella letteratura italiana. Da giovane, fu avviato allo studio
Extractions: A trentanni, entrò al servizio del cardinale Ippolito DEste, per il quale fu costretto a viaggiare, combattere, assumere ambascerie. Fu governatore della Garfagna, dal 1522 al 1525. Trascorse gli ultimi anni della sua vita a Ferrara, lavorando alla stesura della sua celebre opera lOrlando Furioso. Periodi storici Preistoria Roma antica Medioevo Rinascimento ... Donne nella storia Indici biografie attrici e attori registe e registi Personaggi storici donne nella letteratura
Orlando Furioso By Ludovico Ariosto of the Self by Mark Zimmerman Go to Part 2 of 2. Orlando Furioso ( OrlandoEnraged ) By. Ludovico Ariosto (14741533). INTRODUCTION
Ludovico Ariosto La ficció de la Viuda Reposada serà adaptada pel poeta italià Ludovico Ariosto(14741533) al cant cinquè del seu poema èpic Orlando Furioso (1502-1514
Extractions: La Viuda Reposada enganya Tirant amb una ficció teatral per fer-li creure que Carmesina té relacions amb el negre Lauseta, que és el jardiner de palau. La Viuda amaga Tirant en una casa i disposa estratègicament uns miralls per on Tirant podrà veure des de la finestra com Carmesina juga amb el que ell es pensa que és Lauseta però que en realitat és Plaerdemavida amb una disfressa. La ficció de la Viuda Reposada serà adaptada pel poeta italià Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533) al cant cinquè del seu poema èpic Orlando Furioso (1502-1514), que ha estat considerat la seva obra cabdal i l'obra més important del Renaixement italià. Retorn a "Préstecs literaris detectats"
LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Ariosto, Ludovico (14741533) Works by this author Orlando Furioso.Copyright 2001 Keith Ito. All Rights Reserved. Admin Control Panel., Ludovic
LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Keyword Search Motif Search Custom Search Browse Authors Browse Titles.Orlando Furioso by Ariosto, Ludovico (14741533). Copyright 2001 Keith Ito.
General Notes Ariosto, Ludovico (14741533) Author of Orlando Furioso and a favorite of Byron.Aristippus A Greek Epicurean who wrote on the subject of Pleasure.
Extractions: Achates Ajax One of the generals of the Greeks at Troy, second only to Achilles in bravery. He was killed by Paris, and buried near Patroclus at Sigaeum Alicant The port city of Alicant province in southeastern Spain. Ancona An Italian Adriatic port, south of Ravenna Argus The faithful dog which died when he saw Ulysses returned from his 20 years' travels. Ariosto, Ludovico Author of Orlando Furioso and a favorite of Byron. Aristippus A Greek Epicurean who wrote on the subject of Pleasure. Atropos One of the Fates ( ) who controlled birth, life and death. Clotho held the distaff, Lachesis spun the thread of life, and Atropos cut the thread to end life. Bacchante (adjective) Like a priestess or female votary of Bacchus. Bacchus' woman followers were uninhibited. Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans (1561-1626) The English philosopher and politician's illustrious career was tarnished when, as Lord Chancellor, he was accused of accepting bribes from pleaders in the Court of Chancery. He was impeached by the Parliament. For a very readable biography of Bacon, see Catherine Drinker Bowen's Francis Bacon: The Temper of a Man.
Lou Alfano's Italian Genealogy & Culture Homepage main subject of the work is the seige of Paris by Agramant the Moor, when the Saracenswere overthrown. (page 808) Ariosto, Ludovico (14741533) Italian poet
Extractions: NOT from the current Republic. This page last updated October 24, 2002. This website has been reviewed in the December 1996 issue of the Italian Genealogical Group Newsletter , in the January/February 1997 issue of Genealogia Italiana , and in the February 10, 1997 issue of Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter Awarded August 26, 1998 My Paternal Grandparents, Luigi Alfano and Margherita DeNatale,
Projeto De Catalogação Das Fontes Primárias Translate this page 860 C614 CLA V14, BSCHLA P.empréstimo. Ariosto, Ludovico, 1474-1533.Orlando furioso. Milano Instituto editoriale italiano. 2V.
Extractions: Chronos Scriptorium Librarium Concilium Oraculum Colegium Visitantes Projeto de Catalogação das Fontes Primárias de História Antiga e Medieval Principais objetivos: Organizar um catálogo das fontes primárias existentes nas bibliotecas da cidade de Curitiba que facilite o acesso e o conhecimento do material disponível nessa área do conhecimento histórico para futuros trabalhos acadêmicos e científicos por parte dos alunos de graduação e pós-graduação da UFPR; A divulgação dessas fontes entre os professores de ensino secundário, a fim de apresentar-lhes as potencialidades dos estudos na área da História Antiga e Medieval; Dar prosseguimento ao desenvolvimento do Projeto Chronos, através da criação da seção Scriptorium , dedicada a listas e transcrição de fontes primárias. Alexandre Salvatori Costa Andrea Regina Bochnia Delnice T. Neves Rodrigo Pelais Banhoz Roseli Ceccon Autor Título Local Ludovico Ariosto (14741533) Italian poet. He produced the finest Italian romanticepic, Orlando Furioso, 1532. View all quotes by Ludovico Ariosto. Ariosto
Extractions: Performing Arts Collections and Institutions Institution names followed with are members of SIBMAS Arab Collection Arabian Peninsula Collection Arabian Studies Arakishvili, Dmitri (1873-1953), composer Araneta-Roxas Collection (1817?-1882), poet Arbeiterliedarchiv Arbitron Collection Arbour Theatre (Peterborough) Arcadia Literary Academy Library Arcadian Musica Societ Birmingham City Archives (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
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