Vocational Education and emphasis on the ability to teach safe working given country the internationalassistance activities in the field of technical and vocational education. http://www.unesco.org/human_rights/hrch.htm
Extractions: RE VISED RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Introduction In view of the role of technical vocational education in sustaining the complex structure of modern civilization and continued economic progress and the needs of Member States, particularly the developing countries, for guidance in the planning and improvement of their educational systems, the General Conference decided that technical and vocational education should be made the subject of an international instrument of the form of a Recommendation to Member States. A first Recommendation on Technical and Vocational Education was adopted by the General Conference at its twelfth session in 1962. It set forth general principles to be observed regarding the objectives, planning organization of technical and vocational education, as well as international co-operation in this field. Considering the rapid technological and educational changes and the increasing importance of technical and vocational education for social and economic development, the General Conference decided to revise this Recommendation. The Revised Recommendation, adopted in 1974, emphasises the democratization of education in the context of lifelong education in improving education as a whole for social, economic and cultural development. It sets forth general principles, goals and guidelines to be applied by country according to its needs and resources.
Investigate Careers - Minnesota Careers 2003 5 years old, in activities needed for Special education teachers teach elementaryor secondary vocational education teachers teach vocational or occupational http://www.mncareers.org/investigate_careers.asp?pageid=ed01
USF Adult And Vocational Education qualifying them to teach Industrial, Technical on modifying the vocational educationcurriculum, laboratory student outcomes, learning activities, tests, media http://www.ugs.usf.edu/catalogs/9697/ADLVOCED.HTM
Extractions: Back Next Education Program List Catalog Table of Contents ... Course Descriptions The Adult and Vocational Education Department at USF offers degrees through the College of Education designed to prepare teachers and leaders in the various fields of Vocational-Technical and Adult Education and the human resources development field. Certification programs leading to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree are: Business and Office Education, Distributive and Marketing Education, Industrial-Technical Education, and Technology Education. General Education and Professional Education requirements are listed under Teacher Education Program In Business Education, specific program competencies in the specialization must be demonstrated through satisfactory completion of BTE 4909. There are special prerequisites for BTE 4401, which are taken concurrently in the semester immediately prior to the supervised internship as approved by an advisor. Specialization Requirements (43 cr. hrs.):
USF Adult And Vocational Education qualifying them to teach in Industrial Focuses on modifying the vocational educationcurriculum, laboratory student outcomes, learning activities, tests, media http://www.ugs.usf.edu/catalogs/9899/ADLVOCED.HTM
Extractions: Back Next Education Program List Catalog Table of Contents ... Course Descriptions BUSINESS AND OFFICE EDUCATION The Business and Office Education curriculum is designed to serve students who wish to focus on the needs of today's workplace, and combine teaching with business experience while achieving initial teaching certification for grades 6-12. General Education and Professional Education requirements are listed under Teacher Education Program In Business Education, specific program competencies in the specialization must be demonstrated through satisfactory completion of BTE 4909. These prerequisites must be met by transfer students as well as USF students. A grade of C is the minimum acceptable grade. EDF 1005/2005 Introduction to Education EDG 2701 Teaching Diverse Populations EME 2040 Introduction to Educational Technology (Equivalent course or demonstrated competency may be substituted) ACG X001 Financial and Managerial Accounting I ACG X011 Financial and Managerial Accounting II ECO X013 Economic Principles (Macroeconomics) ECO X023 Economic Principles (Microeconomics) XXX XXXX Electives in Business Administration, 3 semester hours
SAFE WORK/SAFE WORKERS everything you will need to teach an introductory The activities can be used in schools,career awareness workshops, vocational education classes, or in http://www.state.ma.us/dph/bhsre/ohsp/teens/SW.HTM
Extractions: Education Development Center, Inc. January 1997 What is SAFE WORK/SAFE WORKERS? SAFE WORK/SAFE WORKERS is a three-hour curriculum for young people that can be taught by high school teachers or other community educators in its entirety or in parts The goals of SAFE WORK/SAFE WORKERS are: What is included? SAFE WORK/SAFE WORKERS includes everything you will need to teach an introductory unit on occupational health and safety. The video and four learning activities were created with high school students who helped make them relevant, age-appropriate, and fun. Video
TANF Work Requirements Onthe-Job Training Employers teach you occupation to 24 months (including 12months of vocational education). Job Search or Job Club activities to help http://www.state.sd.us/social/TANF/Work/requirements.htm
Extractions: TANF participants are required to work in allowable work activities a minimum of 30 hours each week. If you have a child under six years old, your minimum work requirement is 20 hours each week. Your Personal Responsibility Plan will tell you what work activities you have and how many hours you must work. It is very important that you follow the activities youve outlined in your Personal Responsibility Plan. Click here for more information on the Personal Responsibility Plan. The following allowable work activities will count towards the number of hours you need to work: Working in a Job: Employers hire you just like other employees. Employers who hire welfare recipients may be eligible for a tax credit up to $2,400 through the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program On-the-Job Training: Employers teach you occupation-specific skills and the methods used in their business. You earn wages while being trained and then remain employed when the training is completed. Employers are reimbursed a pre-determined amount (usually 50% of wages paid) to help offset the cost and the lower productivity associated with training new workers.
Teachers, Secondary Some instructors teach vocational education courses such as welding and auto mechanics. andgive examinations, and arrange class projects and other activities. http://www.state.sd.us/dol/sdooh/teachsec.htm
Extractions: Wage Secondary school teachers, also called high school teachers , usually specialize in a specific subject such as English, a foreign language, mathematics, social studies, science, history or government. Instructors may teach several classes that are related to their fields of specialty. For example, a history teacher may teach American and world history. English teachers are often responsible for not just English classes but foreign language or journalism classes as well. Some instructors teach vocational education courses such as welding and auto mechanics. For each class, teachers develop lesson plans, prepare and give examinations, and arrange class projects and other activities. In addition to classroom duties, teachers participate in faculty and professional meetings, educational conferences and other training workshops. Some teachers also have additional duties such as directing plays, coaching athletic teams or leading other extra-curricular activities like Future Homemakers of America or debate. Workplace Examples Local Government Education Federal Government Working Conditions Most secondary teachers work a 10-month school year and enjoy summers off, although a few teach summer classes as well. Work schedules during the school year vary, and may exceed 40 hours a week at times of the year for teachers who teach certain subjects or who are involved in extra-curricular activities. For example, English teachers may spend many hours outside the classroom reading and grading stories or themes which students have written. As another example, a teacher who also advises the school yearbook may work with students on weekends or into the summer months to finish the project. Teaching involves long periods of standing and talking, and can be both physically and mentally tiring. Teachers also spend several days each year attending in-service training and other workshops to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date and to plan cooperative projects with other teachers.
IFAS NEWS: Barn Owls May Help Solve Everglades' Rodent Problems teachers of science, environmental education, vocational agriculture, social as wellas ways to teach using the studies and other teaching activities at home http://news.ifas.ufl.edu/story.php?ind=654
Technology / Vocational Education - Learning Through Technology activities are organised according to Gardiner's Multiple and learning expectationsof Broad Based Technology education. This module will teach students the http://ltt.nbed.nb.ca/tve_bb_modlist.asp
Extractions: In this integrated module, students use a spreadsheet to collect environmental data, then select from a variety of choice activities to represent their understanding of air quality issues. Because of its integrative nature this module meets a broad range of outcomes. For example, students use the Internet and other resources to gather information on issues that relate to air quality. Activities are organised according to Gardiner's Multiple Intelligence Inventory. All resources and student guides for this module are available online at http://schools.brunnet.net/ffl/air1.htm.
NCRVE MDS-799 - EXAMPLES OF PROGRAMS National Center for Research in vocational education, University of model can be usedto teach rigorous academic This combination of activities not only gives http://ncrve.berkeley.edu/abstracts/MDS-799/MDS-799-EXAMPLES.html
Extractions: NCRVE Home Site Search Product Search School-to-work for the college bound (MDS-799). Berkeley: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, University of California. We have argued that the school-to-work model can be used to teach rigorous academic skills and to prepare students for college. Indeed, some of the most highly regarded school-to-work programs are explicitly designed for college-bound students. The internships in these programs are seen as assets for college applicants. Many of these school-to-work programs have competitive admissions processes which consider attendance; test scores (PSATs or some sort of behavioral or critical thinking tests); writing samples; personal statements; GPAs; minimal levels of math and science such as algebra and chemistry; and teacher and guidance counselor recommendations. Internships usually involve work on a research project including formal presentations of the results and conclusions. This combination of activities not only gives students the opportunity to work (alone and/or in teams) on original problems but to develop and integrate many of the academic and technical skills they have learned. In many high schools, the more successful students can complete most of their regular high school graduation requirements in their junior year, and program administrators believe that well-designed internships can keep successful students interested in school during their last years.
Government To Government Activities - Memorandums Of Understanding to upgrade their qualifications while continuing to teach; reform of the technicaland vocational education sector. A number of cooperative activities have been http://aei.detya.gov.au/general/GtoG/govt_activs.htm
Extractions: The Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) seeks to build cooperative bilateral and multilateral relationships that: DEST participates in the following multilateral fora: the World Trade Organisation (DEST uses the WTO to negotiate more favourable market access for Australias education service providers); the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC is the primary regional vehicle for promoting open trade and practical economic cooperation. Its goal is to advance Asia-Pacific economic dynamism and sense of community. DEST is the Australian focal point for APECs Human Resource Development Working Group and the Working Groups Education Network. The Working Group is has a major strand of activity related to human capacity building within the Asia-Pacific region); the South East Asia Ministers of Education Organisation (Australia is an Associate Member of SEAMEO and DEST uses the organisation to promote cooperation in education in the Southeast Asian region);
Extractions: T O D ISTINGUISH OR TO B LUR Despite the fact that hardly anyone since Socrates has seriously held that it is possible to settle interesting philosophical problems by establishing strict definitions, the drawing of significant conceptual distinctions is arguably still the main stock-in-trade of professional philosophers. The trouble is, however, that since conceptual distinctions are apt to atrophy in the form of dualisms on the one hand, or are liable to generate problem cases on the other, it is also not uncommon to encounter attitudes of some distrust and hostility among philosophers towards distinction making. While in contemporary mainstream philosophy, the day-to-day business of fine distinction-making continues unabated among philosophers, it is also true that numerous traditional distinctions, enshrining what many have come to regard as unacceptable dualisms, have come under heavy fire in recent times. One particularly good example of this philosophical iconoclasm is the assault mounted by philosophers broadly located in the pragmatist tradition on the empiricist distinction between the analytic and the synthetic a distinction nowadays commonly denounced as useless for any significant practical philosophical purpose.
Vocational Preparation Games, activities and quizzes. Lessons English EFL ESL TESOL ELT ESP lessonplans and teaching materials ready to teach. vocational education Resources. http://www.ait.org/lrc/workgroups/voc_prep.html
Extractions: Workplace Education Adult Learning Australia ALNARC (Adult Literacy and Numeracy Australian Research Consortium ARIS (Adult Education Resource and Information Service) Career Resources for Teachers 1996 ... Vocational Preparation (Subject springboard) Adult Numeracy downunder CGEA Home Page(Certificates in General education for Adults) Discovery Channel School Lesson plans for tired teachers ... SOFWeb (Victoria. Dept. of Education, Employment and Training) Learn.com Quia Stories online : a course for adult beginners Digital women (Women in business) Distinguished Women of Past and Present Primary Source Media: International Women's Periodicals Wollstonecraft (womens rights) ... Women's Electoral lobby (social, economic, educational, political and sexual equality)
Queensland Independent Education Union include appropriate cocurricular activities, school industry into high schoolsto teach vocational modules; and; of general and vocational education in the http://www.qieu.asn.au/voced.html
Extractions: Convergence of general and vocational education POLICY 98.04 CONVERGENCE OF GENERAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION The convergence of General and Vocational Education clearly poses a number of curriculum considerations for schools and for teachers involved in the delivery of the curriculum. As such it is an issue of considerable interest to QIEU and its members, who support the principle of the convergence of general and vocational education, where it is relevant and leads to meaningful outcomes for students within a total curriculum experience. The industrial issues associated with convergence cannot be viewed in isolation from the broad curriculum issues, nor can they be divorced from the structure and processes associated with the management of the curriculum, be that at the level of evaluation and certification or at the level of resource provision. Finn and Carmichael identified multiple pathways within vocational education for post compulsory schooling. Clearly the implication of these reports was that there should be a number of options available to students which reflect more flexible work and study. This notion creates tensions with the BSSSS' preferred model of embedding to the exclusion of existing linking arrangements with TAFE and vocational elements already identified in Board Registered Subjects and work experience.
Integrating Academic And Vocational Education: for example, used various activities to improve develop the expertise to teach theintegrated By contrast, vocational education offers students training in http://www.rand.org/publications/RB/RB8005/
Extractions: M Since the turn of the century, vocational and academic educational programs in American high schools have grown increasingly separate. Vocational and academic teachers undergo distinct certification processes, and students involved in one strand of education often do not mix with students in the other. In recent years, this separation has come under criticism for many reasons. These reasons include the growing recognition that the workplace of the future will require new and different skills of all workersincluding not only job-specific skills but also transferable, generic skills that will help them to acquire further education and training throughout their careers. Thus, strict distinctions between academic and vocational knowledge and skills are becoming blurred. In 1990, the federal government mandated the "integration" of vocational and academic education through amendments to the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act of 1984. The amendments made funds available "to provide vocational education in programs that integrate academic and vocational education . . . so that students achieve both academic and occupational competencies." As a result, states and localities throughout the nation are undertaking efforts to integrate vocational and academic education. Unfortunately, little systematic information has been available to help guide integration efforts. To help fill the gap, a recent study conducted by RAND for the National Center for Research in Vocational Education analyzed the experience of eight schools that had begun their integration efforts several years before the Perkins amendments. The study derived important "lessons learned" that can help guide educators and educational policymakers seeking to integrate vocational and academic education.
Partnership In Education Activities TUTOR, MENTOR, FIELD TRIPS, COMMUNITY activities, AND SAFETY PROGRAMS. TEACHFORMAL COURSES FOR THE FISHERIES vocational education CLASS. http://www.uscg.mil/edu/pie/ak.html
Education World® : Vocational Community Center : Vocation Database, vocational Resources Resources. AGRICULTURE. Articles, A bunch of activities to pick from! HIV/AIDS education Isn't Only for Health Class! http://www.education-world.com/vocational/education/index.shtml
Extractions: Vocation ... Vocational Education Community Vocation V O C A T I O N Many careers require specialized training outside a traditional 4-year higher education institution. These occupations can be challenging, yet rewarding. TOOLBOX CAREER PATHS General Agriculture Automotive Business ... Health Services GENERAL RESOURCES "Only rich people can go to college!" That is what one third grader told teacher Heather Root. Now, Root and other educators are emphasizing career education in their classrooms, even at the elementary level. With the resources of the Web as your guide, you too can implement a study of occupations that enlightens, inspires, and encourages your students to succeed! Included: Online resources for screening personality and interest, writing résumés, and the all-important job interview. Lesson plans for teachers too!.
Extractions: Students in one Rhode Island junior high school got a glimpse of their future through a "Real-Life Fair," a career fair that incorporates lessons learned in the classroom. As they watched their earnings dwindle, some found that the careers they had their eyes on might not provide the funds they would like to have in the future. Find out whether a career fair or an online tour of careers is the ideal activity for your classroom! Included: Approaches to career education used in a handful of schools across the grades. Plus more great online and print career education resources! "Baby" Helps Teens Think It Over!
ERIC/ACVE - New Wine In New Bottles Transforming Vocational that have value beyond the classroom (vocational Instructional Materials courseworkwith career and technical education through handson activities set in http://ericacve.org/docgen.asp?tbl=pab&ID=111
Physical Education Endorsement physical activities. 6. Ability to help students draw the relationship betweenphysical education and their general educational goals. 7. Ability to teach http://www.state.vt.us/educ/license/physed.htm