More Website For You To Try collab0-Write - http// healthtouch-Online for Better health- http// Five senses - http//
Extractions: Study Web Art Teacher Connection - ArtsEdNet - Starting Point - ArtServe - Aunt Annie's Craft Page - BMG Classic World Composers - Crayola Art Education - Internet Resources for Music Teachers - Starting Point - Le Weblouvre - Sony Artist Information - Return to top. Art of Mexican Native Children - Cartoon Corner - Children's Music Singer/Songwriter Jack Will -
Collaboratories: Scientists Working Together Apart of tools to support these general collaborative activities. those mechanical extensionsof our senses which are storage; and effects on human health and ecology
Extractions: Collaboratories: Scientists Working Together Apart Richard T. Kouzes, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, PO Box 999, MS K1-87, Richland, WA 99352, (509)375-6455, (509)375-6631 fax,, FIGURE 1: Borromean rings show three symmetric interlocking rings, no two of which are interlinked, yet removing one destroys the synergism, representing the symbiotic nature of a Collaboratory. Abstract A Collaboratory is an open meta-laboratory that spans multiple geographical areas with collaborators interacting via electronic means - "working together apart." Collaboratories are designed to enable close ties between scientists in a given research area, to promote collaborations involving scientists in diverse areas, to accelerate the development and dissemination of basic knowledge, and to minimize the time-lag between discovery and application. The Collaboratory Paradigm Cyberscientists are combining software tools and high speed computer networks with cognizance of the sociology of science and human nature to create an electronic meeting place for interaction among scientific team members. Introduction to Collaboratories Science is a complex intertwining of creativity, discovery and interpretation which builds a body of truth from fragments of knowledge learned through the research process. Collaboration is at the heart of science. The renowned scientist Sir Isaac Newton said
Illinois Early Childhood Program Standards Matrix - December 2002 Time to Clarify and Apply health Care Reform OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND. health. Address Meritullinkatu 8, Helsinki responsibility for their health could create a class of health
Extractions: Winter 2003 - Site Navigation * Home Page * Message Board * Guestbook * Site Index IHSA Members * Membership Application * Calendar * Job Postings * Downloads * Web Server Project * Dollar Per Child Campaign * Legal Advisory Service * Photos * Conferences * Region V Conference * What's New * History * Uniqueness * Myths * Innovation * Collaboration * Illinois Head Start Overview * Timeline Program Framework * Program Options * Eligibility * Children's Services * Family/Community Partners * Program Design Birth to Five in Illinois * General Information * Map * A to Z Listing * Grantee Profiles
Extractions: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Abstract This paper examines perceptions of three different communication channels (written, interpersonal, and e-mail) in a new organizational form, from six perspectives: social information processing, decision making, cost minimization, social presence, uncertainty reduction, and appraisal. In this study three functional groups within the Cancer Information Service (CIS) were examined: Project Directors (N=11), Outreach Coordinators (N=16), and Telephone Service Managers (N=17). The results indicated that there were few significant differences between these functional groupings. While there were clear differences between theoretical perspectives, the specific functional role differences related to them only marginally supported our hypotheses. This study suggested that refocusing on fundamental underlying processes may be necessary at this stage in the development of the literature on channel selection in organizations.
Lefton Learning Community how olfaction works, and how these senses change with http// a sitethat provides summaries of what
Extractions: This page contains a listing of valuable and innovative websites that may be of interest to users of Lefton's Psychology, Sixth Edition. If you notice any broken links or would like to suggest other sites, please e-mail the webmaster at Be sure to cruise by often, as this site will be updated periodically. Chapter 1 an overview of the American Psychological Association and is a good way to introduce students to the organization. This is the oldest professional organization for psychology and one of the largest professional organizations in the world. The APA also is responsible for accrediting graduate and professional schools of psychology. They have a good deal of free information for students and faculty, which will be noted throughout this manual. introduces students to the American Psychological Society. If students ask why there are two professional organizations for psychology, you discuss the split that happened in the 1980s because of the different needs of practitioners and researchers. You also might want to mention that many academic psychologists belong to both. The following websites are most useful for faculty. Each website will give you access to current research projects. You may choose to have your students participate in some of these experiments. Several of the sites will let your students work with psychology students at other community colleges, universities, and high schools.
Forthcoming Books, September 2000 Ministry of health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors. Juvenile literature 2.Matter PropertiesJuvenile literature 3. senses and sensation en collab.
Extractions: Triple-marker screening in British Columbia : current practice, future options : final report made to the Minister's Advisory Council on women's Health (MAC) / principal researcher, Ken Bassett ; co-researchers, Patricia Lee ... [et al.]. Vancouver : B.C. Office of Health Technology Assessment, 2000.
GroupSense is an advertisingfunded consumer health information resource advocates developsonline collab, community frontal assault on the senses software vendors
Extractions: GroupSense - Working Better Together About GroupSense About Online Groups Participation Guide Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Knowledge Management eLearning Online Groups Online Groups Online Groups Weblog Resources for Online Group Hosts Home Knowledge Base Online Groups Ray Ozzie's Weblog The originator of Lotus Notes etc. has a radical idea here. Everything is Public, collaborative, open UNLESS designated otherwise. Unrealistic, right? Well, think again. Why have we grown so accustomed to the social norm that email should be private? Think about it. Start small. And remember that your company owns your inbox and outbox. What if all engineers within a company were given a new email address when they started, and were told "just use it for business" and "please note that everything that you do in email is in public view. In order to prevent embarassing moments, please keep matters of your personal privacy OUT of your assigned email box; use Groove for private matters. Oh, and by the way, here are the URLs of all of your team members' mailboxes, in case you care. Oh, and by the way, here's a site where you Google across all of them. Oh, also, I should mention that we never delete any email, by policy."
Building A Collaboratory In Environmental And Molecular Science and Evaluating Telerobotic Tools for Rural health Care. and humanto-machine cooperativeactivities proceed on which emphasizes design from the senses that is
Extractions: Richard Kouzes, Principal Investigator Contributing Authors: James Myers, Mike Devaney, Thom Dunning, Jim Wise I. Introduction A Collaboratory is a meta-laboratory that spans multiple geographical areas with collaborators interacting via electronic means. The National Research Council (NRC) recently published a study of this concept entitled National Collaboratories, Applying Information Technology for Scientific Research .1 Collaboratories are designed to enable close ties between scientists in a given research area, promote collaborations involving scientists in diverse areas, accelerate the development and dissemination of basic knowledge, and minimize the time-lag between discovery and application. The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) project at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) in Richland, Washington. One of the EMSL's key missions is to bring together experts from many scientific disciplines to help solve the nation's environmental problems. The EMSL is the cornerstone of PNL's strategic objective to be the DOE's premier environmental research laboratory.2 The resources assembled in the EMSL, from the staff to the computers and instruments, will be among the best in the world. The Molecular Science Research Center is managing the EMSL project and will share the completed EMSL facilities with local and visiting collaborators and users.
MPhil/PhD-PhysicianAsst-Course Description skeleton, muscles and skin; special senses; eye, ear will aim to relate to healthfield; introduction of actual participation in professional activities such as
Extractions: Respiratory system structure and function of upper respiratory tract, larynx and adjacent structures, lungs and tracheobronchial tree; composition of inspired, expired and alveloar air and blood gases. Effects of anesthesia and surgery on respiratory function; Alimentary system structure and function of tract and process of digestion. Effects of anesthesia and surgery on alimentary function;The heart and blood pressures; circulation-systemic, pulmonary and portal; metabolism and storage of energy;basal metabolism-General absorption,transport and storage of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins; energy release; effects of malnutrition and dehydration; reporductive system; including the breast - structure and function; exertion; respiratory, urinary - structure and function; alimentary (including biliary function); skin; control; structure and function of nervous system - central peripheral and autonomic; structure and function of endocrine system and the interaction of nervous and hormonal mechanisms; mechanical; structure and function of skeleton, muscles and skin; special senses; eye, ear, nose;balance and regulation; body and electrolytes understanding fluid balance charts and osmotic properties of infusion fluids; body temperature, control-effect of environment on patient; blood sugar maintenance; acid; base balance. History of surgery,role of the surgeon,importance of team work and participating the needs of surgeons; stresses that may arise during operative procedure; surgical terminology, types of incision and indications for the use of particular incision; haemorrhage-signs and symptoms of iternal and external; classification and management;identification of types of tourniquets-reasons for use and duration of application, dangers of use; wounds, types, process of healing, treatment and complications; inflammation; wound infections-causes and treatment; incision and drainage of abscesses; importance of personal cleanliness and aspectic techniques; pre-operative and post-operative care of the surgical patient; emergency procedures; endotracheal incubation; tracheostomy.
MLT-Course Details central nervous system; Endocrines; special senses; Blood and Food Nutrition inHealth 4 Vitamins of actual participation in professional activities such as
Extractions: Origin and development of blood and blood forming tissues; Erythropoisis; Erythrocyte and its functions; Origin, Development and Functions of Luecocytes and Platelets; collection and storage of blood for haemotological tests; serum and plasma; blood smear preparations attaining for microscopy; red blood cell morphology and cytochemistry; Bone marrow biopsy and smear techniques.
And Still I Think Of You. Days Go By A WordGoddess collab. Silently the senses Abandon their defenses pm 412pm - Decide that any more spreadsheet staring is detrimental to my health.
Extractions: A WordGoddess collab. There. Now that I've gotten my Weetabix fix and my Jill fix, I'm ready to start my day. An hour late, to be sure, but as long as I can have my little settling-in routine sometime before 10:00, I'm okay. The 8:00 meeting and the 8:30 meeting set my time schedule off a bit, but I'm made of sterner stuff than that.
1998 Abstracts that may promote or inhibit the collaborative process to a heightening of our senses,a contemplative Dransfield Barbara (School of health Care Studies, UK).
Libraries In American Society rich world we experience through our senses and reduce http// organizationsin the field of health sciences, specialized
Extractions: Libraries in American Society A Course Guide for Library and Information Science 636 crea monstruos Fco.Goya Instructor Antonio Rodriguez-Buckingham University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, Mississippi Spring 2002 IMPORTANT NOTE: If a student has a disability that qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act and requires accommodations he/she should contact the Office of Support Services for information on appropriate policies and procedures. Southern Station Box 8586; Tel/TTY: 266-6331. Help me with my armor Sancho, but slowly Because I am in a hurry. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Don Quixote. Introduction 1. Course Preliminaries and Logistical Matters. Class Requirements paper printed by the student on a computer printer must use no less than 10 sources, and must be on any of the topics covered during the course. The student is the only person responsible for both the intellectual content and the format of the paper. See instructions under Appendix I, " Some Suggested Topics for the Research Paper" and "Basic Requirements for the Paper" at the end of this Guide.
World Humanities Survey and Chicago (1994), The Economy of the senses (Spring 1995). Keywords health Spending,Economic Ethics, Economics. la MSH constitue une plateforme de collab.
Search For Works collabl CyberWars ( two seminars being offered at two metaphor other than thatof health care and examines how an organization of the senses affects theory
Extractions: This hyperlink section Lists Books that may be read online To download go to the Download Books page. Read On Line: INTERNET eText SEARCH Search for texts in a number of various archives: Author Nine locations to choose from: Project Gutenberg The On-Line Books Page Athena The Internet Public Library ... Math Book Collection Title Ten locations to choose from: Project Gutenberg The On-Line Books Page Alex Athena ... Math Book Collection Subject Five locations to choose from: Project Gutenberg The On-Line Books Page The Internet Public Library The English Server ... LITERARY THEORY Page
Arts Opportunities surface, will excite children's senses, while underlying many performing artists,athletes, health care practitioners secondary school arts teachers to collab.
Extractions: If you would like to have a listing included in the Resources newsletter, please send the information to Boulder Arts Resource, P.O. Drawer H, Boulder CO 80306, FAX: 303/442-1808. This newsletter is a bi-monthly publication, which is mailed to our members, as well as placed on-line at our web site. The deadline for submissions is the first of the month preceding the newsletter. Editors Note: We guarantee only the printed accuracy of the information sent to the Boulder Arts Resource. Printing of the listing does not constitute an endorsement. For further information on specific listings, please contact the individual or organization directly. Resource Newsletter/Calendar of Events Deadlines June/July: May 1, Aug./Sept.: July 1, Oct./Nov.: Sept. 1. The website is continuously being updated with opportunities and events that come in after the deadline. The Resource's new Arts Calendar is now available at:
Extractions: and Semantic Transports Version 0.72 15-Oct-97 Alexander Chislenko The essay is also available in Rich Text format and MS Word Format This essay focuses on the conceptualization of the issues, comparisons of current technological developments to other historical/evolutionary processes, future of automated collaboration and its implications for economic and social development of the world, and suggestions of what we may want to pursue and avoid. Explanations of the workings of the technology and analysis of the current market are not my purpose here, although some explanations and examples may be appropriate. Please send your suggestions to You can find an up-to-date version of the essay at Automated Collaborative Filtering of information (ACF) is an unprecedented technology for distribution of opinions and ideas in society and facilitating contacts between people with similar interests. It automates and enhances existing mechanisms of knowledge distribution and dramatically increases their speed and efficiency. This allows to optimize knowledge flow in the society and accelerate the evolution of ideas in practically all subject areas. ACF also provides a superior tool for information retrieval systems that facilitates users' navigation in the sea of information in a meaningful and personalized way. This technology can be viewed as a semantic transport
More Than Screen Deep More Than Screen Deep Communication and Collaboration MOTIVATION WHY COLLABORATION AND Two trends related to collaboration and communication are fostering useful new conceptions of humancomputer interfaces. range of activities important to every citizen. In health care, for challenges of integrating health care practices, providers, and to support collaborative activities and to act
Extractions: COMMUNICATION? For an individual using a computer system, as Candace Sidner says in her paper in this volume, "interfaces are 'communication engines' to the functionality of software applications; interfaces are how we get our work done." Yet the word "interfaces" suggests a thin veneer (according to the dictionary, "a surface forming a common boundary"), too thin to provide the capabilities for communication and support that people should be getting from computer systems. Most members of the human-computer interface community take the "I" to refer instead to "interaction," but the ability to collaborate ("work with") and not just interact ("act on one another") is becoming increasingly important as people use the NII not just to get individual tasks done, but also to communicate and work with others. As explained in Chapter 2 , the NII's growth is extending civic life and community to include geographically dispersed individuals. It is thus important to expand the conventional conceptualization of interfaces by recognizing that they may involve more than one person and machine and that collaborative systems can either alleviate or exacerbate problems in interactions among individuals with different abilities. As explained by Terry Winograd in his position paper in this volume, the traditional idea of "interface" implies a focus on the person and the machine. In designing interfaces it is important to focus as well on the "interspace" that is inhabited by multiple people and machines in a complex web of interactions. The expanded view this interspace implies adds to—but does not replace—the conventional requirements of interfaces for facilitating communication between person and machine.
OCTOBER Funding Sourcesnew public health; they health to allow them a wide range of opportunities to develop and sustain unique, innovative curriculum driven programs that focus on various cancer education activities.
Extractions: SYNOPSIS : The Sponsor provides an award to support clinical research by young investigators in the areas of diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in obstetrics and gynecology. Candidates must have a full-time faculty appointment in a school of medicine or public health; they should not currently be in a training program. The award provides support of up to $50,000 for one year. Sponsor : Berlex Foundation Program 20779 Berlex Foundation Scholar Award in Basic Science Research Web Site: SYNOPSIS: The Sponsor provides support for clinician-investigators who wish to initiate new studies or who are currently conducting promising basic research in the area of reproductive medicine. Applicants must have completed an approved residency or fellowship in the field of obstetrics/gynecology. The award provides a one-year scholarship of $50,000. Sponsor : Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Program 08913 CFFClinical Fellowships (First and Second Year) 301-951-4422 Web Site: