Charter School Websites: Rhode Island The Compass School, South Kingstown, rhode island, Opened Sep Opened Sep01, ServingGrades k-12, Enrollment 135. information on all charter schools across the
Extractions: Rhode Island Blackstone Academy Charter School , Pawtucket, RI, Opened Sep-02, Serving Grades 7-12, Enrollment: 140 The Compass School South Kingstown, Rhode Island, Opened: Sep-02, Serving Grades: K-6, Enrollment: 84 Highlander Charter School , Providence, RI, Opened Fall 2000, Serving Grades K-8, Enrollment: 78 International Charter School, The , Providence, RI, Opened Sep-01, Serving Grades K-5, Enrollment: 90 Paul Cuffee School , Providence, RI, Opened Sep-01, Serving Grades K-12, Enrollment: 135 Textron Chamber of Commerce Academy , Providence, RI, Opened Sep-97, Serving Grades 9-12, Enrollment: 200 Times 2 Charter School , Providence, RI, Opened Sep-98, Serving Grades 6-8, Enrollment: 280 Charter School Websites About Charter Schools CER Home Page ... Email CER INDEX TO CER WEBSITE: About CER Academic Standards BLOB Watch Business and Industry ... Parent Power!
Wired News: California Schools Get Hooked Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, rhode island and Washington are also wired. In 1994, Missouriwas the first state to network all of its k12 schools, and since then,1383,45882,00.html
Extractions: 02:00 AM Sep. 10, 2001 PT No one likes waiting for audio and video files to download. Certainly not school teachers, who can't afford to waste precious classroom time while students stare at a half-blank computer screen, waiting for a virtual museum tour to finish loading. But if all goes as planned, K-12 students in California may soon have access to an array of rich content previously unavailable to them due to the limitations of slow bandwidth. The Digital California Project provides $3.6 million a year for a broadband network to wire all of the state's 11,000 K-12 schools. Funded by the state of California, the project is scheduled to be completed by June 2002.
A Teacher's Internet Playground Local information; rhode island State Council International Reading Association. Education,schools, and Young People's Links, John's Microsoft® Focus on k12.
Extractions: The design of this page was established with teachers, students, and education in mind. From here you can find some local state, and hometown information. The links will lead you to local projects and school information. The subject based links guide you to many great places on the web, as well as, some topical subject source guides of sites. Several additional links to some interesting K12 starting points are also provided. Hope you find this page helpful! Rhode Island based web pages. Hometown information and points of interest SUBJECT BASED STARTING POINTS SUBJECT RELATED SOURCE GUIDES SCHOOL SITES ON THE WEB ... SEARCHING TOOLS AskERIC Yahoo I*EARN Theodore Tugboat's HomePage ... CEARCH The Cisco Educational Archive Hotlist to Kidstuff and more Links K-12 Servers Interesting Places for Kids Teacher Topics ... Kids Internet Delight This is a site that's worth a look!
Synopses: Rhode Island2002 rhode island Contact Information. Children (k12) on free/reduced school lunch programFor school Dental schools Dental schools in the United States (ADA) Web
Chicago Public Schools Links, events and other information on the district.Category Regional North America Education k12 Public Councils for Williams and Dodge met with Chicago Public schools officials to programsfor Dodge and Williams in New York, Providence, rhode island and Chicago.
Extractions: The Chicago Public Schools will be the premier urban school district in the country by providing all our students and their families with high quality instruction, outstanding academic programs, and comprehensive student development supports to prepare them for the challenges of the world of tomorrow. Read the entire CPS Education Plan CMSI is a comprehensive program that will transform the way mathematics and science are taught and supported throughout the Chicago Public Schools Ð from the classroom, to the school, to the areas, to the whole district Ð and thus transform our students' achievement in these essential subjects. For more information, visit the Chicago Math and Science Initiative website at:
Extractions: school features that support learning and achievement Across grades K-12, researchers have focused on ways that students investigate, model, discuss, and understand increasingly sophisticated mathematics and science concepts, including those embedded in algebra, geometry, the physics of motion, calculus, statistics, genetics, evolution, astronomy, and other topics.
Educational Placement Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, rhode island, S Carolina. Peterson's Education Center k-12 schools, private schools, universities, study abroad, job listings, etc
FARNET: 51 Network Success Stories Realizing that phone line costs were a barrier for all k12 schools in rhode island,Mr. Stephen Carmody, of Brown University, worked with the RI Department of
Extractions: e: George_Loftus@Brown.EDU Categories: Education, K12 Keywords: Innovative or improved ways of doing things; More equitable access to technology or electronic information; Local commitment to network- based activities; Volunteer contributions of time and energy; Partnerships between public and private sector Supporting Documentation (contact author for more information): Video (may have a video available soon); Slides/photographs Story Site (if other than location listed above): Newport, Rhode Island The Story: My name is George Loftus. I am a network planner at Brown University and the father of two children attending RI public schools. I am cheerfully submitting the following story as an example of the kind of fundamental changes that can occur with the use of telecommunications in the classroom. I hope you will find it acceptable for your publication.I have still photos that I will forward to you also, and may have a video available soon. In addition to completing the form you provided I have provide single sentence points below the criteria section of your call for papers. I hope this will help you in determining what area I attempted to address with the story.
HBI | Marine Education | K-12 Programs Hurricane Bowl, a regional final held in Mississippi, as Florida schools from the FromCORE NEWS NOSB FINALS HELD IN PROVIDENCE, rhode island After two days of
Extractions: SUMMER CAMPS ... INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS The National Ocean Science Bowl (NOSB) is an academic competition for high school students that focuses on ocean-related topics. The NOSB was conceived by, and is conducted under the auspices of, the Consortium of Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE). CORE, based in Washington, D.C., is an association of U.S. oceanographic research institutions, universities, laboratories, and aquaria. CORE's 67 members represent the nucleus of U.S. research and education about the oceans. The NOSB is designed to test students' knowledge of the ocean. Every year, member institutions of CORE host regional tournaments around the nation as the first round of the NOSB. This year an estimated 1,600 students and educators representing 320 high schools competed in 22 regional competitions during February. Science teachers volunteer their time outside of the classroom as coaches to prepare the students for the competition.
Public Law 456 of textbooks in use in the public schools in the foreign languages to all studentsin grades k12 and in a) There is created the rhode island joint commission
Extractions: Enacted 7/20/2000 A N A C T RELATING TO TEXTBOOKS Introduced By Representatives Slater, Giannini, McCauley, Reilly and Palumbo Date Introduced February 2, 2000 It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Sections 16-23-2, 16-23-3 and 16-23-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-23 entitled "Textbooks" are hereby amended to read as follows: 16-23-2. Loan of textbooks. (a) The school committee of every community as it is defined in section 16-7-16 shall furnish upon request at the expense of the community textbooks to all students in grades K-12 in the field fields of mathematics, science, and modern foreign languages and in the fields of English/language arts and history/social studies in grades K-8 only, appearing on the list of textbooks published by the commissioner of elementary and secondary education as provided in section 16-23-3, to all pupils of elementary and secondary school grades resident in the community, the textbooks to be loaned to the pupils free of charge, subject to such rules and regulations as to care and custody as the school committee may prescribe. (b) Every school committee shall also furnish at the expense of the community all other textbooks and school supplies used in the public schools of the community, the other textbooks and supplies to be loaned to the pupils of the public schools free of charge, subject to such rules and regulations as to care and custody as the school committee may prescribe. School books removed from school use may be distributed to pupils, and any textbook may become the property of a pupil who has completed the use of it in school, subject to rules and regulations prescribed by the school committee.
DLRN -- Our Library Sources and Methods for k12 Distance Education Download this paper in PDF format.BACK. State rhode island. Policy Abs $3.5M went to schools for technology
Extractions: Download this paper in PDF format BACK State: In the same year, $3.5M went to schools for technology from two philanthropic groups, the Rhode Island Foundation and the Champlin Foundations. Rhode Island appropriated $3.5M for technology in FY 99, another $4M will come from the same philanthropic sources. The state network has connected two-thirds of the private and public schools to high-speed connections by offering low rates. The program has also offered e-mail addresses to every teacher and administrator in the state. Reimbursement conditions: NA Individual Reimbursement condition: NA
Extractions: This material is available primarily for archival purposes. Telephone numbers or other contact information may be out of date; please see current contact information at media contacts The National Science Foundation (NSF) has made a first round of grants to researchers at 31 institutions nationwide under an innovative educational program enabling talented graduate students and advanced undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering and technology to serve as teaching fellows in K-12 schools. The grants, made under the NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) program, will go to institutions in 24 states from New York to Hawaii, as well as Puerto Rico. The multi-year awards were made after reviewing proposals from 157 institutions in 46 states. Collectively, the 31 new grants, totaling $13.4 million for the first year, will fund about 300 graduate and 100 undergraduate students annually. Planned as a pilot effort in1999, the program received such a positive response from colleges and universities that NSF allocated more funds than originally planned. A formal program was requested and approved by Congress as part of NSFs 2000 budget.
EMR Research Corner Archives - Article from whether our existing k12 public schools Those schools are spread throughout26 states and Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, rhode island, Virginia, Wyoming
EMR Research Corner Archives - Article from whether our existing k12 public schools Those nearly 1,700 Charter schoolsare spread Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, rhode island, Virginia, Wyoming.
Rhode Island Universities Contact Us. k12 schools Financial Aid Education Matters . Brown University;Johnson Wales University; Providence College; rhode island College;
Schools Dive into the resource that lists the state's school districts and offers access to the schools that have Web presence. of all the public and independent schools in rhode island. Northern rhode island Collaborative. Southern rhode island Collaborative (SORICO) Middle schools or Junior Highs
Extractions: Barrington Bristol-Warren Burrillville Central Falls Chariho Coventry Cranston Cumberland East Greenwich East Providence Exeter-West Greenwich Foster-Glocester Jamestown Johnston Lincoln Little Compton Middletown Narragansett Newport New Shoreham North Kingstown North Providence North Smithfield Pawtucket Portsmouth Providence Scituate Smithfield South Kingstown Tiverton Warwick Westerly West Warwick Woonsocket
Rebuild America - Sectors - News rhode island schools Expand NEED Program 1/30/03. Here and therearound the country, schools have set up programs that provide
Extractions: There are an increasing number of programs that enable people to teach in public schools without certification. Many states that are experiencing severe teacher shortages are exploring alternative certification programs to recruit new staff. Some public schools require that you seek certification while you teach. Other programs place uncertified staff in the neediest (and therefore often the most challenging) school settings. If you are a new teacher, we encourage you to
University Working With Public Schools On Multiple Fronts gulf between universities and the schools themselves ways to get involved with K12education, such online courses and whether rhode island universities should
Extractions: GSJ HOME @BROWN LIBERAL ARTS INQUIRING MINDS ... Search the GSJ University working with public schools on multiple fronts Although there are many Brown-based collaborations locally and nationally, educators at the University seem to agree there's more to be done. by Kate Bramson literacy in the arts wants to promote can stem from partnerships between universities and K-12 educational systems. "I think universities nationally can always do more," said Warren Simmons, executive director of the University’s Annenberg Institute for School Reform. Although the country has made significant progress over the past decade to improve schools and student achievement, challenges remain, he said, including closing the achievement gaps between white students and African-American and Latino students. "As long as these challenges remain, we’re going to have to continue to do more," he said of Brown’s efforts. Other efforts include: Education Alliance, Swearer Center for Public Service, which in addition to its other work connects student volunteers with the Providence school system; Department of Education (which includes the Institute for Elementary and Secondary Education), whose focus is professional development and teacher education;
Extractions: Rhode Island General Resources Secretary of State's Online Office The Office of the Secretary of State offers a virtual State House tour, Rhode Island history, and a business information center, along with complete listings of State officials, departments and public agencies, and legislative information including a search of current bills. RInet Rhode Island's Network RInet is part of a nationwide collaborative effort on long-range planning for the integration of an information infrastructure to support the needs of the K-12 educational community. RInet provides a multitude of Internet services for Rhode Island educators such as email, listservs, and world wide web accounts (RInet Services). RInet is sponsored by a collaboration of educational and government institutions. Ocean State Free-Net Welcome to Rhode Island's Free-Access Computer Network. OSFN is a non-profit organization governed by an independent Board of Directors. We are a relatively new Free-Net, and therefore are still building and maturing. Please bear with us as we grow. Department of State Library Services The DSLS page provides public access to general library, reference, and information resources in Rhode Island, including online card catalogs. Services are provided for libraries and librarians include a directory of associations, consortia and networks.