UMHS Health Minute Anxiety Anxiety disorders people commonly seek treatment for fall into several groupsgeneralized anxiety disorder; panic disorder; and social anxiety disorder.
West Side Social And Speaking Anxiety Clinic Fear of public speaking, social anxiety, stagefright. Phobia Clinic, treating panic disorder and performance anxiety in manageable steps.
Is What I'm Experiencing Panic Disorder? - Is What I'm Experiencing panic disorder? panic disorder is characterizedby unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear
Self Help For Anxiety A web community that provides support for people suffering from anxiety and panic disorder.
Jelika's Planet The planet of wishes, hopes and dreams Have you ever heard about panic disorder? Or perhaps agoraphobia?
Mood Shifts Books on mental health issues, stories, resources and workbooks. Manic depression, bipolar disorder, depression, ECT, panic attacks, eating disorders, and other mental health subjects.
Grant Me The Serenity Support and information for Social Phobia and related Anxiety disorders, including Avoidant Personality disorder, Selective Mutism, Agoraphobia and panic.
Divine Mercy Healing Center A counseling center providing treatment for various conditions of depression, anxiety, panic, phobic disorders, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder (ADD), substance abuse and addiction.
Center For Anxiety, Panic , And Depressive Disorders Anxiety, panic, phobia, depressive symptoms, obsessions and compulsions, attention deficit disorder are due to chemical imbalances and can be treated very effectively. Offers information, advice and treatment online.
Lifeline Anxiety Disorder Newsletter Designed for people, and the families of people, who suffer from the panic brought about by fears, anxieties, and phobias.
The Impact Of Mood Stabilizers On Suicide In Bipolar Disorder A Comparative Anal Suicide risk factors in major affective disorders, impact of lithium and anticonvulsants, discussion of the comparitive literature, assessing mood stabilizers, depression and mixed episodes, rapid cycling, substance abuse, anxiety or panic, enhancement of central serotonergic function and future treatment strategies.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy NY Manhattan psychologist and therapist providing cognitive therapy for depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post traumatic stress (PTSD), self esteem, and marriage counseling.
Anxiety Network International Social Anxiety disorder (social phobia), panic, and generalized anxiety disorder are comprehensively covered. Many articles on anxiety, a social anxiety mailing list, chat room, bookstore, question and answer pages, and related links.
Broken Wings And Fallen Angels Helpful links to panic and anxiety websites, as well as information on the disorder. Find A Therapist Resources and information about anxiety, panic attack post traumatic stress disorder, phobias, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, obsessive compulsive OCD.