Editorial Review Product Description Big Belly? High Body Mass Index? High Blood Pressure?If this sounds like you, you may be one of the millions of North Americans with Metabolic Syndrome. Predicted by medical experts as the likely number one risk factor for heart disease-Metabolic Syndrome, or MSX, describes a constellation of conditions, including those mentioned above, of which the body' resistance to insulin is a primary feature. A byproduct of obesity, 25 percent of the adult U.S. population is now estimated to have MSX. The Metabolic Syndrome Program offers readers a sensible lifestyle-based approach to treating MSX. One of the first books to name and address this condition, The Metabolic Syndrome Program outlines a realistic plan of treatment-without magic pills or quick-fixes to a growing and little-known threat to public health. The Metabolic Syndrome Program includes: - Facts about MSX, the risk factors associated with it and its impact on your overall health
- The role of nutrition in combating MSX
- The truth about fats, carbs and proteins and the balance needed to maintain optimal health
- All the latest research on insulin resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension and Cardiovascular disease-the worst outcomes of metabolic syndrome
- Detailed information on natural supplements that can be used to combat the risk factors of MSX
- Recipes and meal plans that will help you make the immediate lifestyle changes required if you are one of the millions at risk for MSX
"Karlene Karst has done an excellent job outlining the seriousness of obesity and insulin resistance, and their ensuing complications,while providing a nutrition and lifestyle action plan to help you get back to the basics of good health." --Sam Graci, author of the Path to Phenomenal Health and The Food Connection "The Metabolic Syndrome Program provides an effective comprehensive solution by detailing a clear, rational approach to a complex topic." --Michael T. Murray, N.D., co-author of the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine ... Read more Customer Reviews (7)
Disorganized and not entirely truthful
The first couple of chapters were great. I thought I may have found a great source of information at that point. But, things started to fall apart quickly. It was as if the author had collected a bunch of essays written over the years and jammed them together. This meant a lot of information was repeated, but presented as if for the first time. By the book's end, I was terribly frustrated every time I had to read yet another paragraph reiterating what insulin resistance was, and what risks it presented.
Worse than the repetition, I detected the occasional contradiction from section to section. On more than one occasion I found myself wondering, "just what does this author believe about xxx".
I pressed on from the first few chapters, trying to ignore the repetition and inconsistencies, looking for more good info, but didn't find much. The section on supplements is misleading. The author picks out a few studies to show how the supplements she discusses supposedly do great things. The problem is the author doesn't note that there are other, contradictory studies, and that in truth, the jury is still out on most on them (fish oil, excepted).
This kind of book really bugs the crap out of me. My impression is that it does more to earn the author a few bucks than it does to help those of us who really need it. It could have been a great book, had the entire book been as well written as the first few chapters, and had it been clear about the questionable supplement research.
Probably the only book you need'll on the disorder
I had a scare which led me to some 20 odd books on cholesterol, eventually leading to my becoming a complete vegan.I quickly dropped 20 pounds on an already skinny frame, got my numbers down to commendable levels--LDH, HDL, even BP--but not my triglycerides, and I was feeling no healthier as a vegan than as a carnivore.Next stop: Syndrome X.
It seems that if we don't have enough diseases, American commerce and capitalism must invent them, or give new names to old diseasees.Several decades ago everybody seemed convinced they had either hyper- or hypoglycemia.And I've noticed that those faddish health scares bear some remarkable resemblances to the latest one, Syndrome X aka Metabolic Syndrome aka Insulin Resistance disorder.
I don't have excess weight or, at this moment, high blood pressure, so why my sudden interest in Syndrome X (starting with its "founder," Dr. Reaven?).Well, let's face it, we as Americans have an obsessive interest about diagnosing diseases, whether our own or someone else's.Night after night I'm in a room with a TV set tuned to the gimpy guy who, as an antiheroic type because of a vicodin addiction, is as reliable as Perry Mason in diagnosing the afflicted accurately. Then there's that proactive woman autopsy/ forensics expert, who keeps us in suspense as she reconstructs the circumstances that led the deceased to be in his unfortunate condition--and never once do I recall either of the two throwing up their hands and saying, "Frankly, I have no idea what is (or what was) wrong with you (or him, in the case of the deceased).All the same, this nightly drama, reaching tidy closure in each instance, is enough to encourage any American with the least affliction to seek the same felicitous result for him or herself.
This is my 7th or 8th book on the "latest" widespread disorder (the author calls it the biggest cause of heart failure after smoking--and I don't smoke, which puts me uncomfortably close to the front of the line).I think the proponents of Metabolic Syndrome (we'll settle for that name to be consistent with this book's title) are most likely on to something.Even if your numbers are in line, who wants to be dependent on Plavix, Crestor, Cardia and all of the other cholesterol and heart meds for the rest of their life?Especially if the side-effects are severe enough to make you feel worse than you did as someone at high risk for heart disease?Also, if you've ever noticed a pronounced slump upon eating virtually anything sweet--enough to make you feel like an extra in a George Romero movie--wouldn't you like to find out what's causing it and what you can do to avoid it (aside from fasting)?The all-clear ratings from the standard work-ups for diabetes may provide some momentary reassurance, but that's all forgotten when you feel like h-- the next day.
Even if you haven't read any of the preceding books about the syndrome, not to worry.This one is among the most current and readable.In fact, it's the only one you need.Just one warning: it's easier to become a vegan than to follow--religiously and meticulously--the therapeutic regimen for Metabolic Syndrome.But if you don't make yourself numero uno in your life, I wouldn't count on your GP or, for that matter, Pfizer or Merck to do it for you.Moreover, only by healing yourself can you be of much good to anyone else.
After many year of not feeling good I finally found a Dr who understood and had answers. He told me to buy this book and it really explained what he had told me at my exam.This book goes into detail and helps to understand what is going on in your body and puts you in the frontseat for your health care. I learned things that my Family Dr. had never told me and is still scratching her head over some of the things he has recommended or tried.If you aren't getting the answers you need read this book and try seeing a Dr specializing in Physical Medicine.It's one of those that "your Dr isn't telling you or doesn't know" kind of books.The Metabolism Miracle: 3 Easy Steps to Regain Control of Your Weight... Permanently
Refer to this book over and over
I have read this book cover to cover twice and refer back to it often. The author is well informed on her subject. I saw her speak in person last September and decided to re read the book. I have lost 13 pounds to date and most of it from my abdomen. I look and feel better than I have in years. Really it's about cutting out the junk and getting back to the basics.
If you're looking for up-to-date, excellent information, READ THIS BOOK!
What a wealth of information!This is a book you'll read and keep, because you'll want to refer to it again and again.It's worth more than every penny you spend on it!
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