Editorial Review Product Description Expanding on a New Republic piece that generated controversy, a noted classicist offers the first full rebuttal of the myth of Afrocentrism. She demonstrates that there has been no modern conspiracy among scholars to conceal the debt of Greece to Egypt and that some of the misconceptions arise from the ancient Greeks' misunderstanding of Egyptian religions.Amazon.com Review Wellesley classics professor Mary Lefkowitz takes aim at the basicclaims of leading proponents of Afro-centrism, in this expansion of her NewRepublic article exposing flaws in the argument that black Africans wereresponsible for the great civilizations of Egypt and Greece that broughtpraise from historians and criticism from Afrocentrists. Lefkowitz arguesthat the Greeks' African heritage touted by Senegalese scholar Cheikh AntaDiop is based upon a single dubious source and that Egyptians neverconsidered themselves black Africans, in fact, that they consciouslydisassociated themselves from blacks. She argues that the legacy of these twocultures remains so rich even foes of European civilization want to claimthat legacy for themselves. ... Read more Customer Reviews (157)
If its possible i'd rate half a star
It is no shock to see that many like this book. Racism will never die, not while uneducated, unwilling to progress human inhabit the world. This book as many other people have mentioned has no proof, as much as the fans like to think just because it is a "scholarly" person writing that it is factual, it is not. White people and brainwashed minorities have been trying to debunk anything not from the elites for yrs. If you chose to waste your money on this then so be it, but, if you are someone looking to change things for the better, to make this world a livable one for all your brothers and sisters, then do everyone a favor, do the author a favor and do not purchase this book.
Lefkowitz and her misuse of the ADL - Donations/Support gone Astray
Applying the Socratic Method we all should be asking ourselves a series of questions as to why Dr. Lefkowitz focused on Dr. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan.
Why didn't she focus on Cheikh Anta Diop or Theophile Obenga the scholars who are pillars of Afrocentrism?
(They are liguist, philosophers, historians and Egyptologist with multiple degrees and extremely documented works).
The reason may be because Dr. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan made a scholarly mistake as to when the Alexandrian Library was built and Aristotle's time of study, which is easily debatable and that can and was disproved by Lefkowitz.Lefkowitz received her Ph.d from Harvard in Classical Studies, where in which she would have been required to study the Greek language.That being the case why didn't she refer to the works of Greeks themselves?Why doesn't she know, or acknowledge that the following Greek thikers studied in Egypt: Thales of Miletus, Solon of Athens, Pythagoras of Samos, Xenophanes of Colophon, Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, Pherecydes of Syros, Empedocles of Acragas, Democritus of Abdera, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?
Dr. Lefkowitz should have been aware of the numerous writings by Greeks written on themselves or by their disciples.It is imperative that we as seekers of truth shout out truth and shed light on lies.
Aristotle talks about his time in Egypt (Meteorology 352 b 20), Aristotle talks about Egyptians being the most ancient of people (Meteorology, I 14 352 b)
Phythagoras (Just read the Pythagoras Library)
Socrates (Plato, Phaedrus, 274 c-d)
Plato talks about Egypt in 42% of his work (Gorgias, Meno, Euthyphro, Phaedo, Republic, Phaedrus, Timaeus, Critias, Laws, and Philebus)
We have to search for truth ourselves we can't leave it in the hands of people like Dr. Lefkowitz because not all people are qualified even though they have Ph.d's. If we look at her previous books we see her passion and course of study truly are (which may not be well researched also): The Victory Ode : An Introduction (1976), Heroines and Hysterics (1981), The Lives of the Greek Poets (1981), Women's Life in Greece and Rome (1982) editor, with Maureen Fant, Women in Greek Myth (1986), First-person Fictions : Pindar's Poetic "I" (1991).
Martin v. Lefkowitz Libel Case
1. Lefkowitz won Round One on a motion to dismiss.
2. Martin won Round Two. Mass Court of Appeal overturned lower court -- reinstated case.
3. Lefkowitz won Round Three on a motion for summary judgment.
"Lefkowitz admitted that the offending words she wrote about Martin were untrue" but contended, successfully, that because Martin is a "public figure", as that term is understood in America's libel laws, he has to prove not merely negligence on her part in not writing the truth, but also that she was motivated by malice.
She claimed that Martin did not prove malice.
4.Martin has appealed.
Blah Blah Blah
Many people in America suffer from psychological fragility. Read the article above to see what Southern Europeanswere accomplishing approximately 1500 to 2000 years before both Egypt and Greece rose to prominence.
As the Pallet of Narmer unmistakably shows, Egypt appeared as a unified power after several hundred years of tribal warfare along the Nile. In other words, the glory of Egypt was the result of savagery, not some divinely inspired civilizational impulse . I can easily imagine Narmer, perhaps wearing a pair of canvas slippers and brimming with bravado, cleaving some rival's head with a heavy, stone mace, and then absconding with his victim's latest innovation in footwear. The point is that we could just as easily pin the charge of theft on the ancient Egyptians. For example, the wheel was not native to Egypt, yet they "stole" it from the Hyksos,improved it and used it during the reign of Ramses II to extend their empire far beyond its traditional borders. Thus, before you take credit for the "genius" of other individuals, you should first consider that they were vicious and ambitious colonizers who "stole" from others just as the Greeks "stole" from them later. Many of the imperial inclinations we despise so much today sustained Egypt for millennia.
So, in order to advance beyond the dangerous stupidities of the past, we must avoid the self-serving tendency to reinterpret the complexity of ancient history through the lens of contemporary experiences and the resulting paranoias and biases.
What's undeniably true is that virtually all people alive today are descended from peasants. This is a simple historical fact, and to believe that you're not descended froma peasant is silly and laughable. Just accept the fact that your molecules are no more "royal" than mine or some other person's.
The author systematically wages war on Afrocentrism all the while promoting Eurocentrism using the very same techniques she accuses her opponents of. Listening to hypocrisy is hard, sitting and reading through it is worse.
Our Common African Genesis, 2nd Edition
Our Common African Genesis traces the origins of modern humans and early civilization through genetics, linguistics, archeology, history, and the Books of Moses.Despite the predominance of the ancient Africans, they are persistently slandered in the Old Testament and, in turn, dismissed from modern history.
In the finger pointing the Hebrews contrived to rationalize the Exodus and Conquest, the sins of the world were dumped on Egyptians and Canaanites making them the most maligned race in history.Desecration of Our Common African Genesis continued unbelievably into the 20th century, historians deluding Egyptians were Caucasians, ranting that Africans developed no civilization, till 1996, the dementia complete, babbling their history obscure, their Aegean influence NOT Out of Africa.This literary genocide swept an entire race of people from history, the pen a continuation of Joshua's swift sword, psychopathic denial of the Hamitic gene flow in Genesis 10.
This Pious Fraud, aggressively marketed by Christianity and Academia, brainwashed us with sick beliefs about race, religion, and history, indeed, of ourselves and each other.The fictional Mediterranean Caucasians, really Ethiopians, the genetic sons of Ham and Cush, developed civilization long before Caucasians and Semites.Tales of the glorious Mediterranean Caucasians ironically are the most Afrocentric history in existence, quite opposite the authors' intent.The people that the Hebrews, Greeks, and others called Ethiopians are the same Dark Whites Toynbee said spawned ten civilizations.
The verdict may not be unanimous but the evidence is overwhelming that Africans begat the human race and Ethiopians begat Western Civilization, the Hebrews (Semites) and Greeks (Caucasians) very late `pretenders to the throne'.Indeed, it took four tries to get Western Civilization off the ground, with three intervening Dark Ages, all four grafted onto Ethiopian rootstock including the long taproot of the hybrid Judaic, Christian, Islam, and Hindu mythologies, yes, even schooling the Levites, Brahmans, Alexander, young Jesus, and Paul in the Ethiops celestial mythos and ritual.
Only by ignoring and/or suppressing the evidence, deriding the ancient Ethiopians, even denying their birthplace, can Lefkowitz and her predecessors and her reviewers make a case.Then our `White Throne' atop the `Great Chain of Being' was secured, nothing less than God's favorites, Evolution's crowning mutation, far superior to that other "ethnic group whose history has largely remained obscure".Case closed.
This is not mistaken or defective research.Fraud doesn't even adequately describe this crime.This is `literary genocide', eradicating an entire race of people from our history books, a deception of immense proportions, that began in the Old Testament, then took a new turn around 1800 under the pseudoscience of `phrenology', the bogus study of skull shapes, and its accomplice, the decrepit `ethnology', the study of `race'.Even though these pseudosciences were discredited by anthropologists and neurologists by the turn of the 20th century, their corruption spread into history books.It is this hoax that replaced `Ethiopian' with `Mediterranean Caucasian' that was so appealing to Western historians that it became canon.
Dr. Lefkowitz, I charge you with `abandonment of scholarship', `literary genocide', and `fraud'. Add your predecessors' and reviewers' documented testimony and we also have `conspiracy'.You didn't act alone.This is not simply a question of historical right or wrong or the shades of gray in between.The issue is `intent', the difference between `defective research' and `fraud'. Our Common African Genesis, 2nd Ed.
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