SASIALIT: Literature Of South Asia And The Indian Diaspora About Mythology. American lit. Arthurian lit. Audiobooks. Back to School indian and other south asian literature Webring for indian literature. Find a collection of sites related
Extractions: Literature of South Asia and the Indian diaspora Charter Subscribe Archive Reading Circle ... Online Resources SASIALIT charter The SASIALIT mailing list is for the discussion of contemporary literature of South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), including works by authors of South Asian origin throughout the world. Examples of authors discussed might include: Vikram Chandra, Anita Desai, Farrukh Dhondy, Amitav Ghosh, Romesh Gunesekera, Hanif Kureishi, Gita Mehta, Rohinton Mistry, Bharati Mukherjee, V.S. Naipaul, R.K. Narayan, Raja Rao, Arundhati Roy, Salman Rushdie, Vikram Seth, and Bapsi Sidhwa. Discussion of lesser-known and emerging writers is of course encouraged. The primary focus of the list is on authors who work in English. The list is presently unmoderated, but the sponsor of the list reserves the right to introduce moderation if noise becomes a problem. Subscribing to SASIALIT To subscribe to SASIALIT, send e-mail to " " containing the following in the body of the message: subscribe sasialit Yourfirstname Yourlastname To unsubscribe from SASIALIT, send e-mail to "" containing the following in the body of the message:
Indian And Other South Asian Literature - Page 3 Of 3 Find resource for the young and old alike, related to indian and south asian literature. About Mythology. About World lit. Authors/Writers. Titles in lit. Banned literature
South Asian Diaspora -- Literature: A Bibliography PN6519.K593 H36 1996 Her mother's ashes, and other stories by south asian women in RashtrapatiNivas, Shimla indian Institute of Advanced Study, 1996
Asian Literature - Page 2 Of 2 Large indexes of classic Chinese, Japanese, indian, and other south asian literature. About Mythology. About World lit. Authors/Writers subscribe to the south asian Internet mailing list. south asian Diaspora. Bibliography of fiction and criticism,
HIMAL SOUTH ASIAN than this once with tirades against the indian print and their footprint one way orthe other for being stock footage (nicely framed, well-lit) unrelated to
Extractions: Mediafile Now, now, we know that Indian Airlines is a govern-ment-owned airline. There was no need to have Swagat, its in-flight magazine (Octo-ber 2001), carry such a clo-ying profile of Syed Shah-nawaz Hussain, the 32-year-old Minister of Civil Aviation. There is a picture of Shahnawaz with his son Arbaz, another one with his wife Renu, and, a box item on what Renu thinks of him. “His favourite dress is the kurta-pyjama but she wants him to wear trousers and shirts. She also likes to see him in a sherwani." On being asked how she feels now that her husband is the youngest cabinet minister, she proudly answers, ‘Great’.” Hmmm.
SAJA: Convention 2001 and a place to meet other attendees in Chevron Pipeline chairman, indian AmericanLeadership Session Three A south asian lit takes Centerstage Authors on
Literary Resources -- Other National Literatures (Lynch) German 19thcentury German lit (Robert Godwin-Jones indian Salman Rushdie SalmanRushdie (Subir Grewal) A General asian Books by and about south asian
Extractions: This page is part of the Literary Resources collection maintained by Jack Lynch of Rutgers Newark. Please direct comments and suggestions to I make no pretense to having a comprehensive collection of Internet sources in languages other than English: these are just a smattering. I also exclude single-author pages. Mailing lists Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature: An Overview (Brown) An extensive collection of information on postcolonial literature and theory. Very impressive. European Literature Electronic Texts (Virginia) Extensive catalogue of Western European literature. Western European Specialists (Virginia) Big meta-index on Western European literature and culture. Australian and New Zealander: Larrikin's Lair: Australian Literature A fan's attempt to increase the visibilty of serious Australian authors. Aurora Australis A guide to contemporary Australian literature, including Peter Carey, Helen Garner, Elizabeth Jolley, Robert Drewe, Marion Halligan, Robert Dessaix, Brian Castro, Carmel Bird, Richard Flanagan, David Foster, Marele Day, Delia Falconer, and Roberta Sykes. OzLit An extensive fan site on Australian literature. A section on "Research" may be useful to students.
Literary Listservs -- Sasialit SASIALIT mailing list Literature of south Asia and the indian diaspora * SASIALIT andSri Lanka), including works by authors of south asian origin throughout
Extractions: See Tables By Carol Mitchell , March 2000 This report is intended to give an overview of monographic materials costs and trends in the Overseas Acquisitions Program for the Library of Congress, Delhi, India, covering the period from 1996 through 1999. It examines the major categories of Indian publications in English and selected languages as well as English language programs for other South Asian countries Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. In the absence of information on publishing and book production, it is impossible to place the program into the larger context of Indian publishing. For all intents and purposes, there is no information on the number, type, and price of publishing for the region. UNESCO statistics are of little use in helping assess the program because they are far from current and are of doubtful accuracy. Our own rejected title counts serve only as a general guideline to the total number of titles we receive for review; they are of little use in assessing the total volume of publishing. We count only those titles rejected by this office. If a dealer or a Representative is only sending us the best, then the reject rates will be lower. Although we reject hundreds of titles, the number of rejected titles cannot used to assess the broader world of Indian publishing other than publishers continue to produce and sell many inferior books.
Extractions: This required directed readings course completes the minor. Students will be asked to focus on a specific issue or theme in Asian or Asian American studies research. Each student will complete a research project integrating Asian or Asian American studies with his or her major field of interest, working with a faculty member appropriate to the topic. Students enrolled in this course will meet with the program director to share research methods and the content of their findings. ANTHROPOLOGY This course will critically evaluate popular and scholarly characterizations and theories about Japan through investigation of contemporary social diversity, ethnicity, gender roles, sociolinguistics, demographic changes, and the impact and role of global popular culture. Of particular interest will be the manner in which the sarariiman (salaried worker) has become a stereotype and symbol of post-war ideology. Topical foci will be explored in a seminar format through various readings, ethnography, films, manga (comics), music, and popular artifacts.
Yell-Oh Girls! - indian or south asian girls discuss their heritage in Who Mr. Wong), and in politics(lesbianism)among other areas it used to be; I took an asian lit course in
Extractions: Member Central Join Our Community! Login Member Update What's New ... TravelSuite Suite University About Suite University Visit the University Course Listing New Courses ... Featured Courses New Topics Teaching Creative Writing to Children Maine People Organic Vegetable Gardening African-American Home Schooling ... More... Suite Events My Favorite Place War and Peace Spring Into Health! Earth Day 2003 More about Suite101 About - Select a related topic - African-American Home Sch Biographies of Scientists Celtic Internet Resources Christian Home Education Creative Writing Graduate Distance Education Extra-solar Planets Foreign Language Acquisit Homeschooling Preschool a Librarians and Informatio Magazine Reviews Making Learning FUN! Math is fun Redefining Education Science Surfing Social and Emotional Lear Teachers Using Technology Teaching Computers To Chi Teaching Creative Writing Welsh Language - Select a related course - Advanced Stenciling Adventures in Impressioni Creating Dynamic Unit Stu Cure Your Math Anxiety: B Homeschooling Your Specia How to Start Homeschoolin Learning a Second Languag Teaching Writing to Child Teaching Writing to Child Understanding Poetry Visual Literacy - A Cours Visit Education Detailed Topic List Home Computers, information, general reference
Extractions: I. Course Information II. Title: Comparative Literature: Studies in South Asian and Japanese Literature III. Catalog Description: Comparative literature is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of literature. Students will develop competancy in comparative techniques while looking at works of major authors of India and Japan. The course will focus on the overall theme of the role of the hero in society. Students will work with materials representative of various literary genres in an effort to place the concept of hero within the context of those two cultures. IV. Instructor: Ms. Susan Emerson Office: Colden Hall 135 Office Hours: MW 1:00_1:50 and 3:00_4:00 F 1:00_2:50 Office Phone: 562_1374 V. Rationale: Many courses emphasize the development of one culture through a series of historical and philosophical periods; comparative literature attempts to present a global view, highlighting the interaction of various cultures through trends in literary theme, style and content. Students are able to see how peoples around the world have influenced each other, as well as how and why certain movements have flowed in different directions for different societies. The societies of India and Japan are particularly interesting to look at because there are both contrasts and similarities that can be underscored.
Extractions: The South Asian Novel in English THURSDAY, 7th - FRIDAY, 8th AUGUST, 2003 Burton, South Wirral, Cheshire, CH64 5SJ, Telephone: (+44) 0151 336 5172 Please read the Introduction and Conditions of Use below before using these Guides. If you have already done so, you can skip straight to the Menu Here INTRODUCTION to the BURTON MANOR LEARNING WEB INTERNET GUIDES This includes 'Terms and Conditions of Use' , the use of a New Browser Window
Rajasthaninfoline > Arts And Crafts > Literature to other works in Urdu and other languages Of south Asia And The indian Diaspora Discussions Asia, including works by authors of south asian origin throughout
Extractions: Amir Khusro - 13th century sufi poet from Delhi. Bengali Literature - Contains information on many of the great personalities in the history of the Bengali literature. Also Bengali poems and their English translations. Books for Indians and by Indians - Various titles by Indian authors for sale. Canadian Tamil Literature - Presents translations of Tamil literature. Chaarana - Site devoted to Kannada literature, with short stories in English translation. Chaitime Literature - A website where you can join a bookclub, chat on Indian literature and get information on Indian writers. Chandra's Bookpage - Reviews and summaries - in English and often in German - of books, both classical and modern (under the subsections: Kannada literature and Indian fiction in English), from the Indian subcontinent. Dalit Literature and Criticism - Bibliography. Forum Hub - Discussion pages on Tamil literature. Gitanjali - Complete text in English of Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali. G.N. Reddy's Home Page
Other Literature Resources SALLY ANNEAmerican literature south asian American literature History Archive NativeAmerican indian Resources NativeWeb recorded poetry see Audio lit On The
Extractions: [ Revised: January 21, 2002 [Hints: (1) If your click on a site is unsuccessful, reload the "More Literature Resources" page and let it download completely before clicking again. (2) Ctrl-Home or Home will take you to the top of the page.] AFRICAN-AMERICAN LATIN AMERICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE LETTERS ... GENERAL AFRICAN-AMERICAN
Interdisciplinary Minor In South Asian Studies the Civilization of India = HIST 168 indian Civilization and in south, southeast,and southwest asian Studies (appropriate C lit 189 or C lit 190 Masterpieces
Extractions: Hours Requirements 3-5 hours fourth-semester course work in an area-relevant language. Courses that meet this requirement and are currently offered on a regular basis are HINDI (5 hours) and Sansk (3 hours) The requirement may also be met by comparable courses in these and other South Asian and South Asia-related languages, taught at UIUC or at other universities, through online courses (where available), and through a proficiency examination. 3 hrs ANTH 168 Introduction to the Civilization of India = HIST 168 Indian Civilization and Society 12 hrs Courses on South Asian history, language, literature, culture, and society from the following list:* ACE 353 ECON 353 ANTH 398 Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Seminar (appropriate sections) AS ST 298 Colloquium in South, Southeast, and Southwest Asian Studies (appropriate sections) C LIT 189 or C LIT 190 Masterpieces of Non-Western Cultures (appropriate sections) ECON 350 The Developing Economies (appropriate sections) Hindi 305 Hindi 306 Advanced Hindi Hindi Introduction to South Asian Literature HIST 388 India from Colony to Nation L A 218 Cultural Landscapes of South Asia = AS ST 218 Ling Structure of Hindi-Urdu (section) MUSIC 317 Area Studies in Ethnomusicology = ANTH 315 (appropriate sections) POL S 349 Governments and Politics of South Asia = AS ST 349 RELST 104 Asian Mythology RELST 123 Islam: An introduction RELST 260 Mystics and Saints in Islam RELST 286 Introduction to Hinduism RELST 294 Topics in Religious Thought (appropriate sections)
Indian And Other South Asian Literature indian and other south asian Literature Guide picks. Find resource for theyoung and old alike, related to indian and south asian Literature.
Asian, Pacific, South Asian American Video Media Resources lit literature Interpretation Theory 2001 Sept; 12(3 Raising Our Voices south AsianAmericans Address Hate A experiences and attitudes of indian and Pakistani
Undergraduate And Graduate Courses In South Asian And Middle May be repeated to a maximum of 36 hours within one calendar year. asian St. 218. Comp.lit. 334. 3 hours. History 168. indian Civilization and Society.