Editorial Review Product Description It's one of the best-kept secrets of the corporate world:for years, leading companies have been quietly using the Baldrigeframework - not just to apply for this prestigious award - but toimprove their bottom line results. Companies such as IBM, FedEx, andXerox have been using Baldrige to conduct organizational assessment asa way of driving their improvement efforts. And pioneeringorganizations in other sectors - such as education, health care andgovernment-are also using assessment to improve their 'bottom line':improved efficiency and better service to students, patients andcitizens. ... Read more Customer Reviews (4)
A handy repository of Hutton's experience and wisdom
Written by a skilled business consultant David Hutton (who is also the President of his own company -- David Hutton Associates, Inc.), From Baldrige To The Bottom Line: A Road Map For Organizational Change And Improvement is a handy repository of Hutton's experience and wisdom concerning the assessment process, and just how to go about tailoring data-gathering techniques to suit the needs of any company or corporate project. A detailed and in-depth roadmap to discovering which areas need change or improvement and forging ahead to a smoother, more profitable future, From Baldrige To The Bottom Line is recommended for Business School reference libraries and corporate management reading lists.
From Baldrige to the Bottom Line
The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Process has grown in 12 years to be one of the most positive and influential prgrams to come out of Washington D.C.The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)uses a measure of performance of the publicly traded Baldrige Award winnersthat compares these companies' stock price appreciation with the S&P500 Index.In the most recent year, the "Baldrige Fund"outperformed the S&P Index by a margin of almost 5 to 1. Mostcompanies will never apply for a Baldrige Award.However, many companieshave used a Baldrige-based assessment criteria to evaluate their businessand to focus their improvement efforts. The author has written a veryuseful guide for managers to use in deploying a Baldrige-basedassessmentsystem.As a senior Baldrige examiner I know that most companies needguidance to gain maximum benefit from an internal assessment process.Mr.Hutton's book is a must read for any manager or consultant beforeundertaking Baldrige-based assessment.It will also be useful to managersseeking ideas to improve an existing approach. In Baldrige-basedassessments, the "how" question is looking for systematicapproaches to the management systems in an organization.In this book, theauthor describes a systematic approach to assessment and providesillustrations through case studies of a variety of companies and how theyuse the process to get better at getting better.
Road map for results
If leaders of any service business expect to achieve and sustain an outstanding level of service quality, they must sooner or later turn their attention to the organization itself as the means of achieving customer/citizen focus..The culture, the vision and direction, the leadership, thealignment of resources and functions, and the motivation and commitment ofthe workers are all essential ingredients for service excellence.Therefore, if you hope to get things right on the outside, you first haveto get things right on the inside. David Hutton takes us through the stepsneeded for an organization to undertake an organizational assessment Hisroad mapprovides guidance and examples forusers and acquirers ofassessment instruments to develop a quality management system. There are atleast 5 important elements that you need for conducting an assessment todrive organizational change: a genuine commitment by the leadership, anassessment model, an assessment method, competent assessors, and theprerequisite of reading David Hutton's book.
Road map for results
If leaders of any service business expect to achieve and sustain an outstanding level of service quality, they must sooner or later turn their attention to the organization itself as the means of achieving customer/citizen focus..The culture, the vision and direction, the leadership, thealignment of resources and functions, and the motivation and commitment ofthe workers are all essential ingredients for service excellence.Therefore, if you hope to get things right on the outside, you first haveto get things right on the inside. David Hutton takes us through the stepsneeded for an organization to undertake an organizational assessment Hisroad mapprovides guidance and examples forusers and acquirers ofassessment instruments to develop a quality management system. There are atleast 5 important elements that you need for conducting an assessment todrive organizational change: a genuine commitment by the leadership, anassessment model, an assessment method, competent assessors, and theprerequisite of reading David Hutton's book.
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